Friday, December 8, 2017

Five on Friday - December 8, 2017

It's Friday!!  With 17 days left until Christmas, I'm starting to feel the pressure to get things wrapped up so I can sit back and truly enjoy the season.  I'm close.  How about you?  If you're not anywhere near ready, don't fret.  You can get a lot done in 17 days!

Here's this week's five ~

1.  The Crown
Season 2 has arrived on Netflix!  We are going to do our best to pace ourselves and not binge watch the entire season this weekend.  Claire Foy is back to continue playing Queen Elizabeth II and giving us a glimpse into her reign.  Claire has called this season, "completely different, like a completely different show in a way."  Well, we plan on checking out this season and hoping we love it as much as we did Season 1.  Are you a watcher of The Crown?

2.  Salvation Army Bell Ringing
I did my annual volunteering for the Salvation Army yesterday and stood in the cold to ring bells outside a local grocery store.   My friend, Tammy, and I have done this for years.  The Salvation Army exists to meet human needs wherever, whenever, and however they can.  Please consider dropping in some change the next time you pass a red kettle.  But even if you don't have any change to drop in the bucket, smile and say hi to the bell ringer.  Better yet, if it's freezing surprise the ringer with a cup of hot chocolate!  

Yesterday when I was walking into work, I saw my first snowflakes of the season.  There was absolutely no accumulation, but it was a wake up call that winter is here.  I'm putting this windshield cover on my wish list because the one thing I hate is having to scrape snow and ice off my windshield if it snows while I'm at work.  If scraping snow isn't your favorite thing either, check out this cover HERE.  As an added bonus, this one comes with a cover and scraper.

Check out this adorable scratch art note cube.  How fun would it be to drop a note on one of these into your kid's lunch bag.  Or leave a fun note for your spouse.  Or just doodle!  It would be a cool thing to find in a Christmas stocking too!  They are available HERE.

5.  Is your Christmas tree up?

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Speaking of Christmas trees, this Thursday my link up will be hosting Show Us Your Tree.  Pop and and link up pictures from your tree or just pop in to see everyone else's.  

Have a fantastic weekend!  We've got some fun things on the agenda.  Tomorrow morning we're going to see our nephew's basketball game and then tomorrow night we're going to a restaurant that has been on our list for almost a year.  Sunday I'm baking cookies with my daughter-in-law and her sister.  Can't wait!!  Stop in next week to read all about it.

Linking up with:
Simply Sweet Home
High Five for Friday
5 on Friday
The Blended Blog
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks


  1. Sounds like you have a really fun weekend planned! I have a couple things to do tomorrow, but I'm not too sure about Sunday. Might be a relatively relaxing day, which I'm totally cool with. :) My sister loves The Crown, but I've never seen it!


  2. I am so excited to watch season 2 of The Crown - but I need to pace myself, too.

    Daily Style Finds

  3. I haven't watched season 1 of the Crown yet so I should really get on that! We have some of that scratch paper for Ollie and he loves it! I will be baking this Sunday too, I can't wait. Have a great weekend!!
    The Beth Next Door

  4. LOL at the Ikea Christmas tree :) We just assembled ours (thankfully NOT from Ikea) and it's such a pain in the ass. I say that as though I do anything. I just kind of direct from the background while Bryan color codes the branches. But I DO all the decorating so there's that :)

    I really need to watch the Crown--they were talking about it on the radio this morning and everyone had great things to say about it (also "cancel my plans, I'm netflixing this weekend"). ;)

    Hope you have a great weekend, my sweet (PS: I love that you are a bell ringer for Salvation Army!). <3

  5. Those art scratch notes looks so cool. My boys would love something like this. I've heard great things about The Crown. I've been thinking about subscribing to Netflix. I keep hearing that there are lots of great shows on Netflix. I hope you have a great weekend.

  6. I got those scratch art notes for my niece as part of her art kit for Christmas. We're supposed to get 3-5 inches tomorrow of that white stuff...

  7. I love that scratch art! I did that all the time as a kid! SO jealous of your snow too. We had light flurries on Thursday in Dallas that didn't stick.

  8. I haven't watched The Crown yet, but my sister really likes it and keeps trying to talk me into watching it. I'll have to check it out after I'm done watching Christmas movies.

  9. The ikea Christmas tree is epic. And I'm sure it comes with the most confusing of instructions that is bound to give you a headache. ahahah!

    I hope you're having a great week Penny. :)
