Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - Show Me Your Christmas Trees

Happy Thursday!  I'm so excited for this link up because today I'm teaming up with Terri from Our Good Life to co-host Show Me Your Christmas Tree.  I hope you enjoy our trees and visit those who link up also.
I want to start with a disclaimer.  I love, love, LOVE Christmas trees in our house.  As a matter of fact, we have five full size trees scattered in every room we spend an ounce of time in.  What I don't really care for is actually decorating them myself.  So each year my friend, Carol, and her elves pop in when Eric and I are at work and transforms our house into a holiday wonderland.  The day she decorates is one of my most favorite days to come home from work and see what she's done.  Now, with no further ado, let me present our 2017 trees ~

Let's start in the kitchen.  We move out our wine rack and put a kitchen-themed tree right by the table.  It's in plan sight while I'm cooking and honestly, it makes me smile every time I'm preparing dinner.

The tree in the library is a tall, skinny model.  I just love sitting in their on a weekend morning and seeing the lights on this tree light up the room.

 The tree in our family room stands tall and strong in the corner by the fireplace.  A few years ago we switched the feel of this tree to a woodland theme.  We just love all the little critters perched about.

Our family room tree is also the background for many family photos.

We also have a tree in our dining room.  It certainly adds a warm holiday feeling to dinners we host around the dining room table.

Last, but not least, is the tree in our master bedroom.  Putting a tree in our bedroom was one of the best decisions I've ever made.  It is home to our personal ornaments such as the one celebrating our first year as a married couple, Ian's birth and other favorites.

It's so peaceful to lay in bed reading with just the glow from this tree's lights on.

Now it's your turn -- link up and show us your trees!


  1. Penny your trees are GORGEOUS! I love how you have so many! We have two, one upstairs and one down. I would love to do one in every room!

    Also I didn't realize it was a special link up today regarding trees so I wrote a regular thinking out loud post, if you want to take mine down it's totally ok. I forgot to take a picture of my tree!
    The Beth Next Door

  2. Beautiful trees. At my house, we have the tree but nothing on it yet. We will be working on it this weekend.

  3. I love that you have multiple trees. They are all so pretty!

  4. All these trees are so cute. I'd love to have one in my room, but it would have to be really mini. haha I like that your personal ornaments are on the tree in your bedroom and that the kitchen tree is kitchen themed! Adorable.


  5. These are gorgeous trees! I love the different themes you have for each. I don't even have my tree up yet.
