Friday, January 12, 2018

Five on Friday - January 12, 2018

Happy Friday!  Glad you stopped by to see my five for this week.  So with no further ado, here you go ~

1.  Daily Wisdom for Women - 2018 Devotional Collection
I love starting my day by reading a devotional before my feet even hit the floor.  For the last several years, my go-to has been the Daily Wisdom for Women collection.  Each day features a powerful devotional reading and a prayer.  They are short, quick reads that leaves a message that will resonate with you throughout the day.  Such great food for the soul!!  It's on sale right now at Amazon for only $9.99 for the Kindle version or $10.83 for an imitation leather one.  Trust me - it will be the best $10 you spend all year!  Click HERE to check it out.
2.  The Commuter
I'm such a sucker for Liam Neeson movies.  He has a new one releasing today - The Commuter.  It looks very suspenseful!!  Here's the recap from Movie Insider, "In this action-packed thriller, Liam Neeson plays an insurance salesman, Michael, on his daily commute home, which quickly becomes anything but routine. After being contacted by a mysterious stranger, Michael is forced to uncover the identity of a hidden passenger on his train before the last stop. As he works against the clock to solve the puzzle, he realizes a deadly plan is unfolding and is unwittingly caught up in a criminal conspiracy. One that carries life and death stakes, for himself and his fellow passengers."

                               click for larger (if applicable)

3.  National Kiss a Ginger Day
If there's a red head in your life, today's the day to smack a big kiss on them because it's Kiss a Ginger Day.  If you could pick any red head to kiss, who would you pick?  Mine would definitely be Ed Sheeran.  Yes -- definitely Ed.

Kiss a Ginger Day - January 12

4.  Arla Cream Cheese Spread
Last week at the grocery store I grabbed a tub of this Arla Herbs & Spices Cream Cheese Spread and took it to work to have on my morning bagel.  OMG -- it's fabulous.  They describe it as, "Herbs & Spices Cream Cheese brings a tasty burst of flavor to the classic cream cheese experience. The natural blend of onions, paprika, dill and garlic are the perfect complement to a whole-wheat bagel or crackers for a savory breakfast, wholesome snack or naturally delicious lunch."  I describe it as YUM!
                              Herbs & Spices

5.  Christmas present notice...

Image may contain: text

Hope your weekend is wonderful!  I'm headed to Kansas City to celebrate a friend's birthday and meet with a couple to potentially work on their wedding.  Talking wedding and partying with friends - sounds like the perfect day to me!!  Hope the weather allows all that to happen!  I'll be back next week to fill you in on the details.

Side note -- thanks to everyone who linked up on Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  I'm excited to see some new faces linking up and hope to see even more this Thursday.

Linking up with:
The Blended Blog
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks


  1. I'm a fan of Liam Neeson, but I think we're going to pass on this movie and see Molly's Game this weekend instead. Safe travels to ya!

  2. Sounds like a fun weekend ahead! We have a three day weekend so I'm pretty excited about that! I would also kiss Ed - he's a cutie. :) Have a great weekend!!

  3. That cream cheese sounds so good!

  4. Lol at the library meme at the end!!

    Uhm, I want that cheese spread. Yum!!

    Also I’d kiss Ed, too. And prince Harry. Gingers are everything.

    Hope you have a great weekend, Penny!

  5. I really want to watch The Commuter. I saw the trailer and it looks amazing! Liam Neeson is such a great actor. There are so many great movies that are going to come out this year and I can't wait. I hope you have a great weekend.

  6. Oh, I'd totally kiss Ed Sheeran...or Rupert Grint (Ron from the Harry Potter movies). lol I'm not really interested in The Commuter, but I WOULD like to see a movie this weekend. I'm thinking maybe Jumanji.


  7. Ha! Love that last quote. Have an awesome weekend...sounds like fun. I can't wait to check out that Devotional. And one of my best friends is a ginger! :)

  8. I love Liam Neeson (as an actor!). He's so good.

  9. That cream cheese spread looks delicious. It's making me wish I wasn't allergic to dairy.

  10. My hubby didn’t miss kiss a ginger day! Lol!
    I saw a preview for Commuter last week and thought it had looked good.

    I hope you’ve been having a great week Penny! :)

  11. Well I had watch The Commuter and really love to watch the movie. In present I am so excited to Watch The Equalizer 2 Online full movie.
