Friday, January 19, 2018

Five on Friday - January 19, 2018

Let's hear it for Friday!  Eric has the day off today so I decided to take a vacation day to enjoy it with him.  Aren't three day weekends just the best!! 

Before we get this weekend started, here's my five for this week ~

1.  Frankie and Grace Season 4 Released
I'm so excited that today Season 4 of Frankie and Grace releases!  There's a new character being added this season - Lisa Kudrow.  She was one of my favorites from the Friends days and she joins Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin as Grace's quirky nail lady.  Apparently there's a baby on the way too!  It's going to take every fiber of my being to not plop down on the couch and binge watch this entire season!

2.  National Popcorn Day
Let's celebrate National Popcorn Day today!  Popcorn is seriously one of my favorite foods and I have been known to pop a bag in the microwave and have it for breakfast.  My friend Debbie turned me on to making kettle corn in my Whirley Pop.  Popcorn is also my favorite snack at the movie theater.  We always have to pop in Garrett's Popcorn anytime we're in Chicago too because that popcorn is just too good to pass up.  What's your favorite kind? 

National Popcorn Day - January 19

3.  12 Strong
12 Strong opens today and from the previews I've seen looks like a pretty interesting movie.  Here's the storyline from Movie Insider:  12 Strong is set in the harrowing days following 9/11 when a U.S. Special Forces team, led by their new Captain, Mitch Nelson (Hemsworth), is chosen to be the first U.S. troops sent into Afghanistan for an extremely dangerous mission. There, in the rugged mountains, they must convince Northern Alliance General Dostum (Negahban) to join forces with them to fight their common adversary: the Taliban and their Al Qaeda allies. In addition to overcoming mutual distrust and a vast cultural divide, the Americans—accustomed to state-of-the-art warfare—must adopt the rudimentary tactics of the Afghani horse soldiers. But despite their uneasy bond, the new allies face overwhelming odds: outnumbered and outgunned by a ruthless enemy that does not take prisoners.

                          click for larger (if applicable)

4.  Katie Couric = Winter Olympics
Did you hear the news - Katie Couric is coming back to NBC to co-host the 2018 Winter Olympics Opening Ceremony!  She'll be joining Mike Tirico in PyeongChang, South Korea.  And I'm so excited about the Winter Olympics!  The Opening Ceremony will air on Friday, February 9 at 8:00 p.m. Eastern time.  It will also be streaming for the first time on the NBC Sports app and  Go USA!!

5.  Cheetah...
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Have a great weekend!  I'm going to be hanging close to home this weekend.  If all the stars align, I'm going to get out our Valentine's decorations.  We FINALLY have our Christmas decorations down (thanks mostly to Eric) and I'm anxious to decorate for the next holiday.  See you next week!

Linking up with:
The Blended Blog
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  1. Cannot stop laughing at the Cheetah meme. Too funny! And I didn't know it was National Popcorn Day. I will definitely be celebrating tonight when we watch a movie!

  2. I am excited to binge watch Grace & Frankie!

  3. That cheetah joke has me about to pee my pants! LOL . Also we were hoping to see 12 strong tonight. With popcorn ofcourse :-) Have a great weekend!

  4. Mmm...popcorn is the best, especially Chicago popcorn. My local theaters FINALLY have the movie Call Me Be Your Name so my goal is to see that with a friend tomorrow.


  5. Popcorn is something I could eat 24/7. Garrett's fact we go to Vegas for our next trip and found out one is there. I'm soooo excited!

  6. Kettle corn, though. Can that day be on my birthday? Katie Couric and I have been in love for years, only she might not know it.

  7. I read about your weekend and it sounds like a good time. Good for you for taking the day to enjoy together. :)

    Must. Get. Popcorn. I’ve been craving it for weeks and you’d think I’d have bought some by now but nope.... lol.

    I hope you’re having a great week Penny!
