Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - January 18, 2018

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  This week has been a blur of activity and it's hard to believe we're at Thursday already.  I'm still thinking about what fun I had last weekend and that's what I'm thinking out loud about today.

Friday I took off work and headed to Kansas City.  The predicted weather had been sounding fairly ominous for Thursday night, but thankfully come Friday morning it wasn't as bad as the forecasters thought.  I got an early start on the day, stopped at my parents for lunch and arrived at my friend Linda's house in plenty of time for us to go see a movie.

Linda and I had both been excited to see the movie Lady Bird.  Have you seen it?  It had been getting such great reviews.  For me, it just wasn't all that.  I liked it, but definitely didn't LOVE it the way I had thought I would.  

When we got home, we started watching the series Divorce on HBO.  Loved it!  Let's just say that by the time I left on Sunday, season one was successfully watched.

Saturday was the main reason I made the trip to Kansas City.  I met with a couple in the morning about helping with their wedding later in 2018.  The meeting went great and I'm excited to be helping them make their wedding dreams come true.  You know you'll be hearing more about this as their date gets closer!

Then it was time to celebrate my friend Jodie's big 4-0 birthday.  Her husband, Patrick, had orchestrated an entire day of activities - all of them a surprise to Jodie.   The group assembled was Jodie's close friends from high school, college, and family.  Patrick - job well done!  The day was perfect! 

One thing that helped add to the fun of the day was Patrick had arranged a limo service to take us from place to place.  Everyone could kick back and have a great time without the worry of having to drive.  Carey Limousine Service had the perfect coach and driver for us.  If you ever have the need to use them, I highly recommend asking for Joe Boschert be your driver.  He was professional, fun and the perfect fit for our group.

Jodie's brother, John, had even traveled into town as a special surprise.

We started at Pinstripes where we had some pretty competitive games of Bocce ball.  The measuring tape had to be brought out more than once.  

                           Image may contain: drink and indoor

Then it was on to Amigoni Urban Winery for a wine tasting before going to dinner.  Amigoni's is a great gathering spot.  They even had a few board games you could enjoy while sipping on your wine.

Then we were off to dinner at Garozzo's Italian Restaurant where the portions of pasta were huge and the wine continued to flow.  Look at this birthday girl -- no way does she look 40!

With very full bellies, we loaded up in the limo after dinner and headed to The Green Lady Lounge to listen to some jazz.  We were lucky enough to snag a table in the basement and enjoy the music.  Great place!

Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling, people sitting and indoor

The night continued on to John's Big Deck.  Nothing like a little dancing to cap off a wonderful evening.  Jody definitely ushered in this decade of her life in style and I'm so grateful I was able to be a part of it!  You can see why I'm still thinking about it!

What are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share!  I'd love to hear from you.

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:


  1. Thanks Penney for the link-up. Fun times!

  2. What a fun time at the party!!

  3. Looks like a great birthday party. Thanks for hosting and have a wonderful Thursday.

  4. What a fun birthday party that must have been! We have a Pinstripes here too, it's a neat place! I'm excited to see more about the wedding planning you are doing!

  5. Awww, what a busy little bee you've been! I've never heard of Pinstripes. Sounds like a fun place :) Also, I loved the show Divorce. Every now and then I think of "pleased to meet you" (instead of "peace be with you") and I die of hysteria :)

    PS: I haven't played bocce in ages. What a fun game!

  6. Wow! What an amazing birthday celebration. I'm glad you were able to join in the party. Looks like it was loads of fun.

  7. I'm thinking out loud that I got many posts to write, ha!

  8. That sounds like an awesome way to celebrate a friend's birthday!

  9. What a great birthday celebration.

  10. Sounds like you had a really wonderful weekend. I'm so glad the weather held out for you.

  11. I love hearing about your adventures. You have amazing friends and yall are always laughing and having fun! LOVE IT!

  12. Aw, what a fantastic birthday celebration for your friend!! I'm glad you had a great weekend overall.


  13. Sounds like a fun time. Love the pics!

  14. What a weekend. Haven't heard of Divorce, wondering if I could do some binge watching while PC is at work. Maybe while I iron? Will check it out.

    We had mixed emotions about Lady Bird. Even after seeing it, I had to go look at the trailer to be reminded what it was about. Didn't like Saoirse in it near as much as Brooklyn.
