Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - January 4, 2018

Welcome to a new year and the first Thinking Out Loud Thursday of 2018!  Yesterday was my first day back to work since the Friday before Christmas, so it was a bit of an adjustment hearing the alarm go off and knowing that I had to get up and moving at a much brisker pace than I had in a while!!

First -- Happy New Year!!  This is my first post of 2018 and I'm excited to share tons of fun things with you during the next 12 months.  Hope you follow along.

I'm still relishing what a great break it was and that's what I'm thinking out loud about today!  As with every year, I look forward to spending the week between Christmas and New Year's at home.  My to do list grows long and rarely (or quite possibly never) does it get done.  And I'm okay with that.

This year on break, besides having a wonderful Christmas with my family, I ~
~ Read four books
~ Went to three movies
~ Got two rather large donation collections together
~ Deep cleaned our laundry room
~ Enjoyed the heck out of New Year's with friends in Kansas City
The books were a great winter escape.  Erin Hilderbrand's Winter Trilogy of Winter Street, Winter Stroll, Winter Storms and Winter Solstice were easy reads, but really kept me wanting to find out more about the characters.  If you haven't read them, I would recommend adding them to your want to read list!

I went to three movies - Father Figure, Pitch Perfect 3 and Darkest Hour.  Thanks to my Movie Pass, going to movies is so economical!  For $10 a month, you can go to one movie a day.   By the way, none of the movies I saw were brilliant.  Pitch Perfect did make me laugh out loud several times.  If you've seen the previews for Father Figures, you've seen all the funny parts.  The Darkest Hour was not my favorite.  The run time is only 2 hour, but I swear it felt like 10.  I might have even slept for a few of those minutes too.

New Year's was a blast at my friend Janet's house!  She's my friend Linda's sister and is the baby of their family of nine.  I've been hanging out with that family since before Janet was born!!  Our party of twenty-three rocked the Party in your PJs theme.

There was food (SOOOO much food) and games.  We learned a new game, Splendor, that I immediately came home and purchased.  It made me add Have More Game Nights to my 2018 goals.

At any given time, there were various games happening that you could drop in on.

At midnight we rang in the New Year with a toast and confetti.

So even though the items like clean the basement, delete old emails, and throw away expired coupons didn't get crossed off the list, having a great time and enjoying the people around me did.  That's definitely the best kind of break in my eyes.

Now I'm ready to face 2018 with excitement and enthusiasm.  Let's rock this year!!  

What are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share.  I'd love to hear from you!

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:


  1. What a fabulous time, Penny!! I always think that spending time with loved ones is way better than cleaning!!
    Happy 2018!

  2. Looks like you had a wonderful New Years. Thanks for hosting.

  3. Looks like a great holiday! I did so much traveling to see all the families I feel like I need a vacation from my vacation! I am surely looking forward to being back to normal but I would swap for your holiday in a heartbeat!

  4. What a fun New Years! We did a party in PJs theme too. It was great! I really need to look into that movie pass thing this year, might actually get us out to more movies!
    Coffee Until Cocktails (formerly Beth Next Door)

  5. Looks like yall rang in the new year perfectly. I love a good game night, but most of my friends aren't big fans :-( . I will still have to check it out though! A movie pass is genius! We love going to the movies. And you saw some good ones!! Happy Thursday!

  6. Happy happy new year, Penny!!! Sounds like you’ve been keeping busy and having a wonderful time! That game sounds really fun...I’m always looking for games to play with friends, so will have to look for this one! My brother just told me about Movie Pass. That’s an incredible deal :)

  7. Happy New Year! It looks like you had a great time. I am really thinking of getting the Movie Pass because there are always so many movies I wish I could see. There a couple I really hope to see soon, but I did see Pitch Perfect 3 this past weekend and it wasn't the BEST, but I still really enjoyed it. I just with they had more song mash-ups like they originally did.

