Friday, February 23, 2018

Five on Friday - February 23, 2018

Happy Friday!  And what a truly happy one it is for me -- in just a few hours my friends will be descending on my house for a weekend of fun.  One friend, TW, is arriving from Wisconsin earlier than the rest so we are going to get to spend the day together.  So excited!!

Now, before I turn this computer off for the weekend I want to share my five with you for today ~

1.  2018 Winter Olympics Closing Ceremony
The 2018 Winter Olympics is coming to an end and Sunday will be the closing ceremony.  For us here in the Midwest, if you want to watch the closing ceremony live you will need to tune in at 5:00 am.  Our next chance to watch the Winter Olympics will be in 2022 when Beijing will host the games.  So long PyeongChang!  You've given us lots of great memories!

2.  Game Night
Have you seen the previews for the movie Game Night?  Oh my gosh, we laugh so hard every time we see them.  This movie, starring Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams, opens today and it is high on our list of movies we want to watch!  Here's what Fandango says about it, "Max and Annie's weekly game night gets kicked up a notch when Max's brother Brooks arranges a murder mystery party -- complete with fake thugs and federal agents. So when Brooks gets kidnapped, it's all supposed to be part of the game. As the competitors set out to solve the case, they start to learn that neither the game nor Brooks are what they seem to be. The friends soon find themselves in over their heads as each twist leads to another unexpected turn over the course of one chaotic night."

Game Night (2018) Movie Poster

3.  Snyder's Wholey Cheese Swiss and Black Pepper
I'm in love with Snyder's Wholey Cheese Swiss and Black Pepper!  These gluten free bits of goodness are airy, crisp and baked.  Best of all - they have no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.  Just a whole bunch of greatness!  Have you tried them?  
Swiss & Black Pepper

My favorite cleansing cream just got a new look.  Acure has new packaging but is still the same great product.  This stuff is magic on your face, especially if you have dry or sensitive skin.  It purifies and cleanses without leaving your skin all dried out.  Acure is also vegan, sulfate free, paraben free and cruelty free.  Love this stuff!

5.  This is me....

Image may contain: text

Now let's get this weekend started!  We have a packed agenda.  Fun times ahead!!  Check back in next week to see what shenanigans we were involved in!!  Have a great weekend.

Linking up with:
The Blended Blog
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks


  1. Love the Olympics! Did a Five on Friday: Olympics Edition today! I wanted to see Game Night. I should rent it this weekend? I have to try that cleansing cream - sounds like it would be great for my skin type!

  2. LOL I am pretty much the same way about bad decisions! I might make better ones when I've had a glass of wine! Game Night sounds like it will be a good movie! And I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your lady friends! Enjoy!

  3. OMG that saying about bad decisions is SO me! And I've had my older sister and an elderly co-worker tell me that when they were faced with certain situations, they would think to themselves "what would Lisa do?" I feel like such a bad influence!

    The movie sounds hilarious!

  4. Lol at that meme :)

    I’m going to miss the Olympics, too! The figure skating is always my favorite to warch and the performances this year have been magical.

    I haven’t heard of that skincare line but love that it’s vegan! And that cheese snack sounds delicious, too!

  5. Those crackers look SO GOOD! I can't believe how fast the last two weeks of the Olympics has gone. I didn't watch nearly enough events, but it's hard to keep up with the time difference. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I love that meme about making bad decisions. It's hilarious!

  7. Ha I agree with the alcohol statement!

  8. I like aspects of the Olympics but I definitely do miss the regular shows that I watch that haven't had new episodes. I hope you have a FAB girl's weekend!


  9. I have used some of the Acure stuff... thanks for the recommendation.
