Thursday, March 29, 2018

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - March 29, 2018

Let's hear it for Thursday!  I'm lucky enough to have tomorrow off for Good Friday, so this is my last work day for the week.  Hope you are in the same boat!

Last Thursday I bowed out of blogging anything because I was fighting off a terrible cold.  Well, the cold definitely won the battle.  I ended up with an ear infection and perforated eardrums in both ears.  The past week I have spent in silence because my hearing is virtually gone.  Let me tell you, it's hard living inside your head for a week!  But I'm trying to be patient and let my ears heal.  I have an appointment with the ENT this afternoon and I'm hoping for some relief.  One thing is for sure - I will be so thankful to get my hearing back!

So today I'm going to do a little thinking out loud about Easter.  Who's ready for the bunny to hop their way!?!

This is one of those holidays I truly miss having small children around.  As it works out, this year will be an adult only holiday for us.  My parents, son and daughter-in-law will be coming over and I'm thrilled to host them.  Truth be told, I just got my outdoor decorations up this week.

If you're hosting an Easter meal at your house, check out this adorable way to fold napkins.  A tutorial on how's it's done can be found HERE.

Do you die eggs at your house?  This guide from A Thrifty Mom looks like so much fun!  I might have to borrow some kids and give it a try.

How to dye eggs with shaving cream, Shaving Cream SWIRL eggs, Easter Eggs, #Easter, How to make swirled easter eggs

I love having a nice Springy dessert on Easter.  I've been sorting through recipes to try to decide what we'll be serving this year and one of the strong contenders is the Meyer Lemon Iced Raspberry Yogurt Cake I blogged about a couple years ago.  The recipe is HERE.  What's y our favorite Easter dessert?

Now it's time I put some of these ideas into action!  Whatever your Easter plans are, I hope you have a wonderful time.

What are you thinking out loud about today? Link up below and share!

Enjoy more Thoughts for Thursday at:
This is How We Roll
The Blended Blog
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  1. I'm so sorry about your ears---that's so crazy!
    But I'm loving all of the Easter ideas...we might even make rolls in the shape of carrots!!!

  2. Oh Penny that sounds awful! I hope you are feeling better soon and your hearing comes back! I need to get my behind in gear for Easter, I do have everything for my son's basket at least!

  3. Hoping that the doctor's appointment goes well and you get your hearing back, Thanks for hosting.

  4. Oh gosh, not being able to hear is awful! I hope that you got some relief at the doctor's appointment. I have the WORST ears, so I feel your pain.

    Have a great Easter!!


  5. Yikes! I hope you feel better!
