Friday, May 11, 2018

Five on Friday - May 11, 2018

Happy Mother's Day weekend!  I'm headed to Kansas City this morning for a special celebration.   Haley, my best friend's daughter, is graduating with her Master's degree today and we just couldn't be more proud of her.

Before I head out, here's my five for today ~

1. Little Women
PBS will be presenting the first episode of Little Women on Sunday night. I'm so excited to see Masterpiece's adaptation of this classic! Here's PBS's summary of the first episode:
"Christmas, 1861. The March sisters – Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy – prepare for a Christmas without presents or their father, a Union army chaplain who is away at war.

Learning to appreciate the smaller things in life, the sisters strike up a friendship with their charming new neighbor Laurie, and his tutor John Brooke.

As autumn of 1862 sets in, the family receives the terrible news: Mr March has been taken ill in an army hospital in Washington D.C. The girls anxiously await news of their father’s fate, as their mother Marmee, accompanied by John, rushes to his side."

Image result for little women on pbs

2.  Villa Alena Moscato & Peach
A few weeks ago, a friend brought over a bottle of Villa Alena Moscato & Peach wine.  Oh.My.Goodness!  It is the perfect wine for the summer!  Light and refreshing without being overly sweet.  You can find it at Trader Joe's.  Eric and I couldn't get to the store fast enough to load up.  Have you tried it?  I'm thinking it will be a great wine for sangria.

Image result for villa alena moscato and peach

Color Street Nails
My daughter-in-law, Kayla, introduced me to Color Street nails and they are just way too cool not to mention on the blog.  These nail polish strips are super easy to apply and lasts longer than normal nail polish.  And they cost less than a manicure!  You can get them in solids, patterns, glitter -- you name it!  Check out all the options by clicking HERE.

Spring Collection

4.  Life of the Party
The new Melissa McCathy movie, Life of the Party, opens today.  From the previews we've seen, it looks pretty cute.  Melissa's movies can be hit or miss, but I think we'll give this one a try.  Here's what Fandango says about it, "When her husband suddenly dumps her, longtime dedicated housewife Deanna (McCarthy) turns regret into re-set by going back to college…landing in the same class and school as her daughter, who’s not entirely sold on the idea. Plunging headlong into the campus experience, the increasingly outspoken Deanna—now Dee Rock—embraces freedom, fun and frat boys on her own terms, finding her true self in a senior year no one ever expected."

5.  What every mom knows...


Hope your weekend is wonderful!  Happy Mother's Day to all you moms out there.  If you haven't had a chance to enter the Mother's Day Giveaway (HERE), you better hop to it.  The giveaway ends today!  


Linking up with:
The Blended Blog
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks


  1. Have a fun and safe trip. I'm with you McCarthy movies are generally not my favorite but I always try to give her a little shot. PRETTY nails! xo

  2. I love the nails!! I always tend to smudge after painting mine so this may be a better option for me! Have a wonderful Mother's Day weekend! – Shannon

  3. I love those nails! Thanks for reminding me that my friend is having an online nail party I need to check out! Happy early mother's day!

  4. I do want to see Life of the Party. I like most of Melissa's movies. Have a great Mother's Day weekend!!!


  5. Grinning over the silence quote. And I pinned it, too!
    Little Women . . . Oh, I really need to see that!

  6. Ooh I want to check out the nail strips! I tried Jamberry last weekend but I'm curious about these! I can't wait for that movie, I love Melissa so much! And that last quote is just too true when it comes to motherhood! Hope you have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day! <3

  7. I'm excited for that movie too...and didn't know pbs was doing that for little women. Gotta watch!

  8. That quote is true to the T! LOL! I have heard a lot about these nail strips and that they are much easier than the Jamberry. Melisa McCarthy cracks me up. Have a very Happy Mothers Day!

  9. Those nails are so pretty!! Also I haven’t heard of that Melissa McCartney movie but it sounds funny! Agree that her movies tend to be hit or miss.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend, and that you have fun at the graduation!

  10. Thank you for the moscato rec! I bought it Saturday and loved it. I’m giving you credit in my blog tomorrow for this wonderful find.
    Coffee and cocktails at the casa

  11. That quote is so true! I hope you had a great weekend and a nice Mother's Day.

  12. Love that quote, very very true. Lol! I saw a preview over the weekend for that Melissa McCarthy movie and it looks pretty funny.
    I hope you had a great Mother’s Day, Penny. Enjoy your week my friend. xo
