Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - Royal Wedding Thoughts

It's Thursday!  Who else is counting down the days until the upcoming long weekend?  We're getting so close!

Glad you stopped by Thinking Out Loud Thursday today.  I know we are all on Royal Wedding overload, but I have just a few things that I've been thinking about and I'm going to share them with you today ~

If you know me at all, you know I'm all about being symmetrical.  How lucky was Meghan to have a friend who has adorable twins!  It made the pictures of her walking in SOOOO perfect!  No uneven veil carriers at this wedding.

Twins On The Train

Bless You!
Let's hear it for the three year old that knew to cover her mouth when she sneezed!  Way to go parents, or nanny, or whoever taught little Princess Charlotte her manners.  Parents everywhere are jealous.

Tired Face

Victoria Beckham
Girlfriend, crack a smile.  Seriously!  If for no other reason than you are walking in to a Royal Wedding with an absolutely drop dead gorgeous man as your date.  I promise your face will not crack.  Life is way too short to parade around with that sourpuss look on your face.  SMILE!!

The Cutest Couples At Prince Harry And Meghan Markle's Royal Wedding

92 Years Old
Lord, please let me look this good and be this mobile when I'm 92 years old.  Amen.

"You look amazing."
When Prince Harry gazed into his beautiful bride's eyes and said, "You look amazing", I totally melted.  What a sweet memory for her.  Moms out there -- reminder your sons to say something special to their bride when they meet at the alter.  It's those things that money just can't buy, but makes the day so, so special.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle stand at the altar at St George's Chapel on May 19, 2018 in Windsor, England.

So that's what I'm thinking out loud about today.  Now I'm going to try to put the Royal Wedding in my rear view mirror and let go of my obsession with trying to read every article and view every photo!!

Now it's your turn -- what are you thinking out loud about?  Link up and share!


  1. My mom and I taped various coverage, so I haven't really watched anything. I've seen some photos and read a bit about it though and it all sounds really lovely. Harry's such a sweetie - I love that he told her she looks amazing!!


  2. Great moments of the day! The other picture I absolutely love is Meghan's mom Dora sitting in the pew with such a look of love on her face and how absolutely beautiful she looked as well. It was a lovely wedding indeed!

  3. Thanks for the recap, I didn't watch one second of it. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful Thursday.

  4. We all thought the same thing about Victoria Beckham .It's like cmon smile woman, it's not that hard!

  5. I love the symmetry too. I didn't watch it, but I've seen and heard tidbits everywhere. That comment was so sweet, but my favorite was "I'm so lucky." So special!

  6. You are on point about everything. But the one about Victoria, yes! It looked as if she had a fight with her husband and wasn't speaking to him. Oh and I was also thinking that the Queen and Prince Philip, who is not looking all that great, but what can we expect from a 96 y ear old. Both walked into the church with no aid and no canes. Do you know how many younger people I see using canes? And of course the love in their eyes. Harry and Meghan really put their stamp on this wedding.

  7. I totally missed the wedding but have been enjoying seeing everyone's pictures and hearing their opinions. I'd be quite happy to look as good as the Queen at her age!

  8. It was so beautiful!! I agree with you on everything especially Victoria Beckham and about the Queen! Seriously that girl needs to smile!! =) Thank for the linkup! =)

    Melanie | Toots + Dill Blog

  9. Ah....I loved everything about the Royal wedding. The children were all adorable, and it was just so nice to focus on love instead of all the hate and violence for a change.
