Thursday, June 28, 2018

Five on Friday - June 29, 2018

Happy Friday friends!  Can you believe we are wrapping up June?!?  Where did the month go?  Here's the last Five on Friday for this month ~

1.  National Postal Worker Day
How often do you thank your mail carrier?  Well, now's your chance - Sunday is National Postal Worker Day!  Since the holiday falls on a Sunday this year, I'm electing to put a little special thank you in my mailbox on Saturday for my mail deliverer.  They are always in and out of my mailbox so fast they rarely get to see my joy when I pull out the mail and find something happy in there.  Now's my chance to let them know how much I appreciate them delivering a smile to my face.

National Postal Worker Day July 1

2.  All We Ever Wanted
Emily Giffin's All We Ever Wanted  hit the stands on Tuesday and it's definitely on my want to read list.  You might recognize her other best sellers - Something Borrowed and First Comes Love.  Here's what Amazon has to say about her newest work:
Nina Browning is living the good life after marrying into Nashville’s elite. More recently, her husband made a fortune selling his tech business, and their adored son has been accepted to Princeton.  
Yet sometimes the middle-class small-town girl in Nina wonders if she’s strayed from the person she once was.
Tom Volpe is a single dad working multiple jobs while struggling to raise his headstrong daughter, Lyla. His road has been lonely, long, and hard, but he finally starts to relax after Lyla earns a scholarship to Windsor Academy, Nashville’s most prestigious private school.
Amid so much wealth and privilege, Lyla doesn’t always fit in—and her overprotective father doesn’t help—but in most ways, she’s a typical teenaged girl, happy and thriving.
Then, one photograph, snapped in a drunken moment at a party, changes everything. As the image spreads like wildfire, the Windsor community is instantly polarized, buzzing with controversy and assigning blame.
At the heart of the lies and scandal, Tom, Nina, and Lyla are forced together—all questioning their closest relationships, asking themselves who they really are, and searching for the courage to live a life of true meaning.
Interested in getting a copy for yourself?  Click HERE!

3. Planters Cheez Balls 
Remember way back in the '90s when Cheez Balls were a thing. They were a hard snack to sneak because of the orange tint they left all over your fingers (and sometimes your mouth). Starting July 1, you can relive your '90s snacking because Planters is bringing them back! They haven't been on the shelves in over a decade, but for a limited time you can pick up Cheez Balls and Cheez Curls at Walmart and Amazon for only $2 a can.  Happy snacking!

Planters Cheez Balls and Cheez Curls 2018

4.  Affordable Tankini
There are several things I'll overpay for if I really love it, but swimsuits just aren't one of them.  I was in the market for a new suit this year and the $100+ price tags were making me a little sad.  I turned to Amazon and found this beauty for only $27, with free Prime shipping.  The quality is great and the style does a pretty good job covering up some of those not so flattering areas.  It also comes in multiple colors.  If you're in the market for a new affordable suit, check them out HERE.

5.  My life...

Enjoy the weekend!  We are expecting a heat wave here in St. Louis, but that's not going to stop us from seeing the outside production of Singin' in the Rain at the Muny tonight.  Then tomorrow we're excited to attend a Sip and See party to meet the newest member of our friends' family.  I've been remiss in posting a weekending blog the last few weeks, but hopefully that will change and I'll be here on Monday to fill you in on our weekend.  See you then!

Linking up with:
The Blended Blog
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks


  1. My friend and I used to sit and much on Cheeze Balls during French class in high school, I don't know why that memory sticks out for me, but it does! And I always love your humor gifs you share. I am pretty sure that is my jump rope too. Have a great weekend Penny!

  2. Haha, love that quote. The new Emily Griffin sounds great. Can’t wait to read it!

  3. OH I used to just love cheez balls; I'm going to have to buy a can or two so my boys can try them... and I'll have a couple too I'm sure.

  4. Ooh your weekend sounds awesome. I can't wait to read all about it. Omg, I forgot about cheez balls! I just loved those; I'll have to introduce them to my nieces and nephew. :)


  5. Ooooo, thank you, I've been in the market for a good swimsuit! Mine from last year doesn't fit anymore. Oops.

    Also, how ironic that National Poster Worker Day falls on a Sunday when we don't get mail! So weird. But thanks for that heads up! I've never done anything for our mailman before, but now I may throw something in our mailbox for Monday!

  6. Oh my goodness those planters cheese balls remind me of my Meme! She always had those at her house...they are the cheesiest. So weird that National Postal Worker day falls on a Sunday....thanks for the reminder. I love leaving something special for ours...even though I feel like we have like 4 who rotate.

    Thanks for linking with The Blended Blog for Friday Loves Penny!
    Shelly | The Queen in Between

  7. I had no idea that Planters made cheese balls. I love that there is a holiday for basically everything and everyone.

  8. Hey Penny! Happy Independence day - I hope you have a wonderful day!
    LOVE that tankini! That fine line between crazy and genius is SO true. Hahah.

    I hope you're having a great week my dear. xo
