Thursday, June 21, 2018

Happy Summer Solstice!

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  I'm doing a little thinking out loud today about the longest day of the year for us here in the Northern Hemisphere. When exactly is summer solstice?  Well, it's the exact moment when the sun sits directly over the Tropic of Cancer (the 23.5° north latitude mark).  For us in the central time zone it occurred at 5:07 a.m.  Were you up to see it happen?    I sometimes forget that while we're enjoying the longest day of the year, our friends in Australia are experiencing their shortest day.

Summer solstice is my friend Tracy's favorite day of the year.  Yesterday, summer solstice eve, I delivered to her a goody bag to celebrate.

Inside were a few fun summer items.  Target had the cutest plates and napkins in their dollar section!  Their marketing person was a genius to put that section right when you walk in the door. 

A summer staple is flip flops and I found these adorable ones at the Dollar Store.  

No summer bag is complete without sunscreen products and I am loving the Sport CoolZone spray by Banana Boat. 

Some other items that rounded out the bag were bubbles, flamingo stir sticks, flamingo to do list, coasters, hair bands and lip balm.  Oh, and let's now forget the pinwheel!

Happy solstice!  Hope you enjoy this enchanting day when the sunlight lasts the longest!


  1. Oh how fun! I love that goodie bag! I'm celebrating the solstice tonight with some friends at an art event at our local park, I'm looking forward to it!

  2. What a great idea!!! I had no idea that there was something to celebrate today!!! Enjoy!!

  3. Such a cute bag, and so sweet to bring to your friend. I love that pinwheel and those plates/napkins are adorable...and so are those bubbles. My kids would love them. I'll have to hit up Target!
