Thursday, July 5, 2018

Five on Friday - July 6, 2018

Happy Friday!  Hope you had a wonderful 4th holiday and are ready for the weekend.  We had a hot holiday here in St. Louis, but we made the best of it.  Enjoy the five for today ~

1.  The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
This is one of my all-time favorite books and it's now being made into a movie!  It will begin streaming on Netflix on August 10 and has a great cast (many from Downton Abbey).  I thought I'd mention this to you now in case you wanted to read it before the movie hit the airways.  You can purchase the book HERE.  Amazon sums up the book this way ~
“I wonder how the book got to Guernsey? Perhaps there is some sort of secret homing instinct in books that brings them to their perfect readers.” January 1946: London is emerging from the shadow of the Second World War, and writer Juliet Ashton is looking for her next book subject. Who could imagine that she would find it in a letter from a man she’s never met, a native of the island of Guernsey, who has come across her name written inside a book by Charles Lamb. . . .
As Juliet and her new correspondent exchange letters, Juliet is drawn into the world of this man and his friends—and what a wonderfully eccentric world it is. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society—born as a spur-of-the-moment alibi when its members were discovered breaking curfew by the Germans occupying their island—boasts a charming, funny, deeply human cast of characters, from pig farmers to phrenologists, literature lovers all.
Juliet begins a remarkable correspondence with the society’s members, learning about their island, their taste in books, and the impact the recent German occupation has had on their lives. Captivated by their stories, she sets sail for Guernsey, and what she finds will change her forever.
Written with warmth and humor as a series of letters, this novel is a celebration of the written word in all its guises and of finding connection in the most surprising ways.
Thought I'd share the trailer with you ~

2.  Nashville Hot Chicken Flavored Pringles
The temperatures are hot this summer and Pringles is bringing their own heat these days with their new flavor:  Nashville Hot Chicken.  For a limited time only Pringles is partnering with Dollar General to bring us this intriguing chip.  Wonder how hot they really are?  I might have to venture to a Dollar General to pick up a can and check it out for myself.  

3.  National Fried Chicken Day
Speaking of chicken, today is National Fried Chicken Day!  Fried Chicken is one of my favorite things. Word has it that Scottish immigrants brought their tradition of deep-frying chicken in fat to the southern United States.  Thank you Scottish immigrants! 

National Fried Chicken Day July 6

4.  Whitney
Whitney, the movie, opens today and I'm intrigued to see it.  I've so often wondered how someone who had so many positives going for them could let it completely fall apart.  Maybe this movie will shed some light on when the wheels completely fell off.  Here's the synopsis from Fandango:
Whitney Houston broke more music industry records than any other female singer in history. With over 200 million album sales worldwide, she was the only artist to chart seven consecutive U.S. No. 1 singles. She also starred in several blockbuster movies before her brilliant career gave way to erratic behavior, scandals and death at age 48. The documentary feature Whitney is an intimate, unflinching portrait of Houston and her family that probes beyond familiar tabloid headlines and sheds new light on the spellbinding trajectory of Houston’s life. Using never-before-seen archival footage, exclusive demo recordings, rare performances, audio archives and original interviews with the people who knew her best, Oscar®-winning filmmaker Kevin Macdonald unravels the mystery behind “The Voice,” who thrilled millions even as she struggled to make peace with her own troubled past.
Image result for whitney the movie poster

5.  Pay attention to the weather...

Enjoy the weekend!  We are kicking around the idea of going back to Fair St. Louis to see the fireworks one more time.  They were so fabulous on Wednesday night we just want to take them in one more time!  Then on Sunday I'm headed to my future sister-in-law's bridal shower.  Fun times ahead!  Pop in next week to get the recap.

Linking up with:
The Blended Blog
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  1. I'd love to see the fireworks without actually going to the fair .hmmm....may need to look into that!

  2. I knew The Guernsey was being made into a movie, but I didn't realize how soon. It's been on my TBR forever, I definitely need to move it up! And Nashville Hot Chicken Pringles?? Sign me up! Have a great weekend!

  3. Hah! "they're all gonna die Thursday..." yeah they are! LOL
    I haven't read Guernsey but I really do want too. How fun the moving is coming out soon.


  4. Omg that pic 🤣🤣🤣 I wonder if someone was asleep on the job. It’s felt that hot here lately—like walking into a mouth!

    Hope you get to see more fireworks! And that movie sounds great :) happy weekend, Penny!

  5. I love it when a book you've enjoyed is made into a movie.
    LOL at that weather!
    Hope you have a great weekend.

  6. Hahaha, funny meme! Hope you had a great weekend!
