Friday, September 21, 2018

Five on Friday - September 21, 2018

It's Friday!  Who else is ready for a weekend?!?  I've been out of town since Wednesday with work and am anxious to get home.

Before I launch into my five for today, I want to wish my dad a very happy 80th birthday!  What a role model he has been in my life!  He is the most genuine, hard working, honest man you will ever meet.  Happy birthday, dad!  Can't wait to celebrate with you tomorrow.

Now -- let's look at my five for today ~

1.  Mickey Oreos
Speaking of birthdays - on Monday Oreos will begin selling their limited-edition birthday cake-flavored cookies to celebrate the 90th year of the Mickey Mouse character.  They will be available nationwide while supplies last.  Mickey's official birthday is November 18.  Wonder if these cookies will last that long or if they will be totally consumed by then.

Image result for mickey oreos

2. Cravings:  Hungry for More
Chrissy Teigen's new cookbook hit the stands on Tuesday and I'm dying to get my hands on it.  I read cookbooks like most people read novels.  Flipping through the pages and scanning the recipes is one of my favorites things to do.  From peeking inside this book, it looks like Chrissy has a brief foreword before every recipe -- love that!  Here's the summary from Amazon:
Cravings: Hungry for More takes us further into Chrissy’s kitchen . . . and life. It’s a life of pancakes that remind you of blueberry pie, eating onion dip with your glam squad, banana bread that breaks the internet, and a little something called Pad Thai Carbonara. After two years of parenthood, falling in love with different flavors, and relearning the healing power of comfort food, this book is like Chrissy’s new edible diary: recipes for quick-as-a-snap meals; recipes for lighter, brighter, healthier-ish living; and recipes that, well, are gonna put you to bed, holding your belly. And it will have you hungry for more.
If you're interested in picking up a copy, click HERE to grab it from Amazon. 
Image result for cravings hungry for more
Must be the week for celebrity books - Reese Witherspoon's Whiskey in a Teacup hit the stands on Tuesday also.  I'm a fan of this Academy award winning actress and am excited to crack open her new book.  Here's the Amazon summary on this one:
Reese Witherspoon’s grandmother Dorothea always said that a combination of beauty and strength made southern women “whiskey in a teacup.” We may be delicate and ornamental on the outside, she said, but inside we’re strong and fiery.
Reese’s southern heritage informs her whole life, and she loves sharing the joys of southern living with practically everyone she meets. She takes the South wherever she goes with bluegrass, big holiday parties, and plenty of Dorothea’s fried chicken. It’s reflected in how she entertains, decorates her home, and makes holidays special for her kids—not to mention how she talks, dances, and does her hair (in these pages, you will learn Reese’s fail-proof, only slightly insane hot-roller technique). Reese loves sharing Dorothea’s most delicious recipes as well as her favorite southern traditions, from midnight barn parties to backyard bridal showers, magical Christmas mornings to rollicking honky-tonks.
It’s easy to bring a little bit of Reese’s world into your home, no matter where you live. After all, there’s a southern side to every place in the world, right?
If you would like to add this to your book collection, click HERE.

               Image result for when was whiskey in a teacup by reese witherspoon released

Now that we are nearing the end of September, my thoughts are drifting to our next holiday - Halloween!  I ordered this black lace fireplace mantle scarf with a spider web design this week from Amazon for only $5.99!  If it doesn't work on my mantle, I might throw it over the buffet in the dining room.   Wherever it ends up, it will add just a bit of spooky to my decorations.  Want one for your house?  Click HERE to check it out.

5.  I refuse to get old....

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Okay guys -- have a great weekend!  I'm headed home today from a work trip and hope to get a lot accomplished tonight before we head out tomorrow morning to celebrate my dad's birthday.  Then on Sunday I might just sleep the day away!  Check back in on Monday to see how the weekend turned out.

Linking up with:
The Blended Blog
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks


  1. I am going to have to keep my eye out for those Oreos!

  2. I have a black lace mantle covering too! Love the little accent of spook and class :) I was sad to have missed Reese when she was in my area promoting her book, but I’m anxious to check it out. Happy birthday to your dad, and happy weekend!

  3. Happy birthday to your dad! Too bad the Oreos didn't come out today. You will still have to pick some up; those will be a sweet treat for him. :) Those cookbooks look awesome! I love Reese Witherspoon and didn't know she had one coming out. Had to laugh at the little meme you posted too!!! Have a great weekend, Penny!

  4. Happy birthday to your dad!! I really want to get Chrissy's new book. I like her so much. The Mickey Oreos are SO cute. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  5. That black lace covering is so cute! Don’t have a mantle but do have a buffet long enough that could work!

    Also I didn’t know Chrissy and Reese are releasing books; will have to check them out. Both look amazing! Hope you have a great weekend, and happy happy birthday to your poppa!!

  6. Aww, happy birthday to your dad! He sounds like a wonderful man. I've not seen the Mickey Oreos anywhere, but will definitely be keeping an eye out for them. I plan on picking up both of those books. Those are two of my favorite celeb women. :)
