Thursday, September 27, 2018

Five on Friday - September 28, 2018

It's Friday!!  The weekend is knocking on the door and I'm ready to answer.  We've had a great week - saw a movie on Tuesday, saw Love Never Dies on Wednesday and had dinner with our son and daugher-in-law on Thursday.  Now it's Friday and I'm ready to share my five on Friday ~

1.  New Amsterdam
Fall is here and so is the new season of shows.  I picked up on New Amsterdam this week and thoroughly enjoyed it!  I saw the reviews the next day and they were not great, but I'm still going to give it a chance.  The star of the show, Ryan Eggold, was Tom Keen from The Blacklist.  Catch it on NBC Tuesday evenings and let me know what you think of it.

2.  National Good Neighbor Day
Do you know your neighbors?  Well, today would be a great day to meet them - it's National Good Neighbor Day!  We are blessed to have great neighbors.  I hope they have the same feeling about us!  If you want to impress those living around you, use today to drop off some cookies or do some yard work for them today.  You can never do enough for your neighbors, right!

National Good Neighbor Day September 28

3.  A Simple Favor
Eric and I had a date night this week and saw A Simple Favor.  This movie was quite good!  It's about a woman who is seeking to uncover the truth behind her best friend's disappearance.  I was expecting suspense and we got that, but in addition we got a little humor.  Several times the entire audience had a little chuckle. This flick also has some great twists.  Have you seen it? 

4.  Nordic Ware Pumpkin Patch Loaf Pan
In honor of everything pumpkin, check out this adorable pumpkin patch loaf pan.  Imagine baking your pumpkin bread in this baby!  Added bonus, the inside is non stick for easy release.  Want one for your kitchen?  Click HERE to check it out.

5.  This is one reason I'm glad I only have one child:

Image may contain: text

Now, let's get out there and enjoy the weekend!  I have a low key Saturday and am going to have a fishing day with my family on Sunday.  I have this vision of us all sitting around the lake, laughing and enjoying the sunshine.  I'm also hoping to get some cute pictures of my niece and nephews.  Pop back in on Monday to see what really happens!

Linking up with:
The Blended Blog
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  1. That show is on my list and that movie too!!

  2. Haha, I don't even have a baby book finished for my only child! I relate to that meme! And I have heard New Amsterdam is good so I plan on checking it out. Have a great weekend Penny!

  3. My 13 yo wants to see that movie ( I have no idea why!) but I’m just not sure it’s suitable for her. What do you think?

  4. I really want to see A Simple Favor, so hopefully soon. I watched New Amsterdam and I thought it was good.


  5. I really enjoyed New Amsterdam! My husband and I thought it was pretty good. I hope it lasts; I feel like there are so few shows we enjoy nowadays.

  6. I really loved the show Manifest this week, but New Amsterdam was just meh for me. I think it needs to really pick up if it wants to make it past 12 episodes. I did go see A Simple Favor and that movie was BIZARRE. I honestly don't know how I would describe it. But I left there thinking Blake Lively is absolutely beautiful!
