Thursday, October 4, 2018

Five on Friday - October 5, 2019

Happy Friday!!  So glad the weekend is here!  We went to see the St. Louis Blues hockey home opener last night and witnessed them lose horribly.  It might take me a while this morning to get over it.  While I'm trying to recover, let me share my five for today ~

1.  A Star Is Born
I haven't been this excited about a movie opening for a while.  LOVE Bradley Cooper and LOVE Lady Gaga.  Can't wait to see them together in this film!!  And it's Bradley Cooper's first time directing and Lady Gaga's first major movie role.  Here's the synopsis from Rotten Tomato:
In this new take on the tragic love story, Bradley Cooper plays seasoned musician Jackson Maine, who discovers--and falls in love with--struggling artist Ally (Gaga). She has just about given up on her dream to make it big as a singer... until Jack coaxes her into the spotlight. But even as Ally's career takes off, the personal side of their relationship is breaking down, as Jack fights an ongoing battle with his own internal demons.
Image result for a star is born movie

I'm also hearing the movie soundtrack is one to add to your collection.  It's available HERE.

2.  Chrissy Teigen's Cravings collection at Target
A few weeks ago, I mentioned Chrissy Teigen's new cookbook.  Well now Chrissy is making a splash with her new items at Target!  There are several items I'm dying to add to my kitchen - one of which is this little mini Dutch oven.  Isn't it adorable!!  Can you imagine serving chili in this on Halloween?!?  Want some?  Click HERE.

I'm in love with so many of her things!  Here's a few of my favorites.

3.  KetaKids Superheroes Party Masks
I was poking around on Amazon the other day for Halloween ideas and look what I ran across - a set of 30 Superhero Party Masks for only $13.95!  Can you even imagine how much fun a group of kids would have with these?!?  They would be great for a Halloween party, birthday party, play dates.  Grandmas out there - the grand kids would love playing with these at your house!  Amazon says these Superhero masks are made from high quality felt material. The material is safe, non toxic, very durable and quite comfortable.  The elastic band stretches long enough so that they are never too tight and never too loose. They fit just right.  How fun!!  Want some?  Click HERE.

Have you noticed the days slower getting shorter?  I hate that about fall!  If you're missing the light, one of these hands free book lights might be just what you need.  You can hang it around your neck and it will illuminate whatever you have in front of you.  It would be great for reading, crocheting, knitting - the list goes on and on.  The best part about the CeSunlight is it's rechargable.  No more buying batteries!!  Click HERE to check it out.

5.  A sign of a really good weekend.....
Penny's Passion: Five on Friday - November 4, 2016

Have a great weekend!  We are headed to the EarthDance Farmer's Formal tonight.  Many local chefs will be there sharing samples of their favorite dishes.  I can't wait to indulge!   I'll be back next week with more on our trip to Italy and some other fun stuff.  Hope to see you later!

Linking up with:
The Blended Blog
This post contained affiliate links.  I may receive a small commission if you click on the link and purchase.  Thanks


  1. This is Superb. I want to tell you how much I appreciated your clearly written and thought-provoking article.

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  2. I am so excited to see A Star is Born—just got tickets to see it tomorrow night! Also those superhero masks are too cute for the little ones :) thank you for sharing and have a great time tonight—that sounds like fun :)

  3. I so want to see that movie too! And is that a dutch oven? Super cute! xo

  4. I'm so jealous you got to go to a hockey game! I'm a Red Wings fan & would love to go see them in their new arena.
    The meme is great! I'll have to use it!

  5. I want to see A Star is Born! That looks so good. I had no idea Chrissy had products at Target. I'm going to have to check them out!

  6. Great graphic!! We saw A Star is Born on Friday. We were very pleasantly surprised. Didn't know how it would be and the reviewers either adored it or totally disliked it. Soundtrack should be pretty amazing, too!

  7. I really want to see A Star is Born! It's high on my list right now. I really want to get Chrissy's book and check out her new products too. Hope you had a great weekend!

  8. Did you end up going to see that movie last weekend and if so, did you enjoy it?
    Love that graphic, made me laugh out loud. Thanks for that. :) Hope you're having a great week!
