Monday, October 22, 2018

Weekending - October 19, 2018

I.Love.Weekends.  It's not like I hate Monday through Thursday, but there's just something about weekends that I adore.  This weekend wasn't jammed packed, but had a great balance of fun and work.  Here's how it went down ~

Friday morning started with this gorgeous sunrise!  This was my view as I was backing out of the driveway to head to work.  I actually stopped the car, got out and snapped this picture.  So many times I glance up, note the beauty and just keep going.  On this day, it was nice to pause a second and just take it in.

After work, a few of my work friends got together to catch up.  This group used to get together to watch Scandal.  Now that Scandal is gone, this was our first Non-Scandal Scandal night.  The hostess, Jamie, greeted us with the most delicious sangria before our dinner of chili and cornbread.

We capped off the evening by watching Book Club and dessert.  The apple pie was from Sugarfire Pie for all you St. Louis peeps.  I had no idea that Sugarfire opened a pie place!  It was superb!

Saturday morning I lounged in bed for a while reading my book club book - A Spark of Light by Jodi Picoult.  It just came out this month.  Have you read it?  Well, there's a part about a girl hiding in the closet and that made me start thinking about what a disaster my closet was and how we needed to change over our summer to winter clothes.  I woke Eric up and we literally spent the next 6 hours cleaning the master closet.  The end result was we have three ginormous bags full of clothes and shoes we are donating and you can actually walk in the closet without tripping over stuff.


I bought a new shoe rack for my booties and boots last week and it was a great addition to the closet.  

The last couple of years I've used the trick of cutting pool noodles and sticking them in my boots to get them to stand up straight.  It works like a charm!

If you have a closet or drawers that needs a bit of a organization makeover, here's my shopping list of things that have really helped me ~

We worked on the closet until it was time to get ready and join our friends for dinner at one of our favorite places, Cooper's Hawk Winery  That place has never disappointed us.  We start with a wine tasting and then move on to dinner.  Fun evening!

Sunday was a lazy morning.  I read more of my book.  Eric was grateful I didn't get any more crazy cleaning ideas.  We decided to grab lunch at Noodles and Company.  It was our first time there and we loved it.  It's located very near our house, but we just never think of eating there.  This might have been our first visit, but I know it won't be our last!  I got the BBQ Pork Mac and Cheese.  Next time I'm going to try their Zoodles.

Eric headed off to work and I headed out to run some errands.  The day wrapped up with me making a pot of white chili.  I'll be sharing this recipe tomorrow with a soup linkup I'm doing with some other blogger friends.  If you have a favorite soup recipe, don't forget to pop in and link up.  If you like to fix soup, definitely come back and check out all the links!

Now here we are at Monday and the start of a fresh week.  My friend, Debbie, and I are going to a cheese making class tonight.  I'm pretty excited to see how that goes!  See you soon!


  1. Cheese making class! How fun! I loved reading about your weekend, Penny—you always do such fun and unique things/ I love that you have nights with your girlfriends where you get together over drinks, pie (yum!) and good tv :) reminds me I need to do this with my girls more often, too!

    Also that noodle place sounds amazing!

    PS: I’m super jelly of your walk-in closet!

  2. Sounds like it was a great weekend! I really want to read that new Jodi book, it's on my list. I love that you were encouraged to organize your closet! I've been meaning to try the pool noodles for my boots, I should really get some!

  3. Cheese making huh. Interesting...

    That book is on my pile. Gotta start it

  4. A cheese making class??? AMAZING!!! What delicious looking pie and sangria!! You'll have to post the sangria recipe! Waiting on that book from my library! Have a great week Penny!!

  5. That sunrise is to die for!! And so is that dang apple pie. Nothing like getting the closet organized. I tried the pool noodles for a couple of years but last year I invested in the inserts from container store and I'm thrilled with how much easier they are to insert.
