Friday, December 28, 2018

Five on Friday - December 28, 2018

Here we are at the very last Friday of 2018!  Can you believe 2019 is only a few days away?!?  Thanks for popping in each Friday to see what five things I'm talking about.  Here's my five for this week ~

1.  National Card Playing Day
Grab some friends and sit down to an old fashion card game to celebrate National Card Playing Day today!  Playing cards has always been one of my favorite things to do.  When my son was living at home, we would play a game called Peanuts almost every day.  My family's favorite card game is something called Pitch.  What's your favorite?

National Card Playing Day - December 28

2.  Vice
We've been able to catch a couple movies over break and are hoping to still find time to see Vice.  The previews looks great!  It's based on the true story of Dick Cheney and has been nominated for the Golden Globes Best Motion Picture - Musical or Comedy.  (Wonder how Dick Cheney feels about it being in the "Comedy" category!)  Here's the synopsis from Fandango ~
Gov. George W. Bush of Texas picks Dick Cheney, the CEO of Halliburton Co., to be his Republican running mate in the 2000 presidential election. No stranger to politics, Cheney's impressive résumé includes stints as White House chief of staff, House Minority Whip and defense secretary. When Bush wins by a narrow margin, Cheney begins to use his newfound power to help reshape the country and the world.

3.  Air Fryer Cookbook
Did you get an Air Fryer for Christmas?  We did and I can't wait to put it to good use!  I'm waiting for Amazon to deliver this cookbook to us so I can try all kinds of new things beyond the few recipes that came in the box with it.  If one of your resolutions for 2019 is to eat healthier, the air fryer might be just what you need!


I know most of us still have our Christmas trees up, but just in case you're looking forward to Valentines Day -- check out these adorable color in socks!  There are a craft project AND tangible pair of socks all in one!  They come in all kinds of designs so you are sure to find one that matches the recipient's personality.  Each set comes with a pair of socks and 4 fabric markers.

5. Just sayin'.........

Big ol factssssss 😂

Have a great rest of the year!  We had "clean the basement" on our 2018 goals and are going to use the last few days of the year to try to cross that one off the list.  Nothing like waiting until the last minute!  

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  1. Omg those coloring socks are so cool!!! Thanks so much for sharing! You always have the best gifts here. And lmao at that meme! Hope you enjoyed your holidays and wishing you all the best for a very happy and healthy new year!!

  2. I need those socks. Stat. I love to color! I love that it's National Playing Card day. We love playing cards so I have an excuse for us to do so after work today! And that meme is hilarious. I need to save that one! Have a wonderful weekend and New Year Penny!

  3. I had an air fryer on my list but did not get one (can't complain as my hubby surprised me with a new laptop instead!!). I may have to pick one up in the next few months though as I am totally intrigued with the idea. And that quote--OMG! That made me laugh.

  4. I saw Vice and it is really good. I enjoyed it very much.

  5. PC and I are swearing off movies for a bit to build back our savings account. Ha! So will look forward to watching Vice on Netflix in the near future. Want to make an exception to our new policy in order to see Mary Poppins with my granddaughter. Read the book this summer. Loved the first version from my childhood. Hope this one is good, too.

    I have a larger behind, too, so guess even half-assed efforts from you and me can be better than those of skinny girls! XO

  6. You always find the most random yet useful stuff on your Friday posts. I love it!

  7. Could you pretty please do a review for the air fryer once you've use'd it a bit? I've been curious of them but don't know anyone that has one. :)
    Hope you're having a great week, Penny. Happy New Year! xo
