Thursday, December 20, 2018

Secret Santa Mug Swap 2018

Because of my true love to open the mailbox and see a surprise package inside, I sign up for every swap I come across.  San, from The In Between Is Mine, hosted a Secret Santa Mug Swap and I was in!  San also happened to be the person who sent a package to me!

Look at the adorable mug that was nestled in my box ~

I just love that my beautiful mug came with a little dish to rest my used teabag in!

San also packed my box with other goodies and a thoughtfully written note ~

Thanks San for the spectacular box of goodies!  I love the mug and everything else you put in the box.  Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to enjoy a nice cup of honey vanilla chamomile tea and a sea salt caramel or two.


  1. Your mug is so cute! I love the little dish too. Happy Holidays!

  2. That mug is so cute! Love that comes with a saucer, too!

  3. So happy you liked the tea mug and goodies, Penny :) I loved picking these things out for you. Merry Christmas (and thanks for participating the swap!)
