Friday, June 14, 2019

Five on Friday - June 14, 2019

This has been an amazing week in St. Louis.  In case you haven't heard, the St. Louis Blues hockey team brought home the Stanley Cup this week for the first time in franchise history.  For fifty-two years Blues fans have been saying we'll get 'em next year.  Well  "next year" finally came!  What an amazing teachable moment for parents to talk to the kids about.  In January this team was in dead last place.  But they worked their tails off and didn't give up.  Now, just a few months later, they have captured the coveted title of Stanley Cup Champions!

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I'm dedicating my five to Blues items today ~

1.  Watch Party
St. Louis knows how to throw a watch party.  We were lucky enough to be 2 of 18,500 people watching the game from the Enterprise Center, where the Blues play.  Just a few blocks away, there were 25,000 people sitting in the seats of our baseball stadium watching the hockey game from there.  Several other thousands were crowded into bars and restaurants with their eyes glued on the game.  St. Louis just flat out loves their sports teams!

2.  Best Picture with the Cup
One of the Blues star players, Vladimir Tarasenko, added a baby boy to his family last week.  Check out this picture of Baby Tarasenko resting in the cup at the age of 6 days old.  At the time I'm writing this, they haven't named the baby yet.  Think it will be Stanley?

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3.  Jenna Fisher
I loved watching St. Louis native Jenna Fisher (Pam on The Office) cheer on her beloved Blues.  She and John Krasinski (Jim on The Office) had the best rivalry going on during the playoffs.  John is a Bruins fan and just couldn't get the best of Jenna.  Their jokes went back and forth in such a fun way.  It truly made me fall in love Jenna and want to get to know more about her.

Did you know she wrote a book?  It's titled The Actor's Life:  A Survival Guide.  It's definitely going on my TBR list.  Here's the synopsis from Amazon:
Jenna Fischer's Hollywood journey began at the age of 22 when she moved to Los Angeles from her hometown of St. Louis. With a theater degree in hand, she was determined, she was confident, she was ready to work hard. So, what could go wrong?

Uh, basically everything. The path to being a professional actor was so much more vast and competitive than she’d imagined. It would be eight long years before she landed her iconic role on The Office, nearly a decade of frustration, struggle, rejection and doubt.

If only she’d had a handbook for the aspiring actor. Or, better yet, someone to show her the way—an established actor who could educate her about the business, manage her expectations, and reassure her in those moments of despair.

Jenna wants to be that person for you.

With amusing candor and wit, Fischer spells out the nuts and bolts of getting established in the profession, based on her own memorable and hilarious experiences. She tells you how to get the right headshot, what to look for in representation, and the importance of joining forces with other like-minded artists and creating your own work—invaluable advice personally acquired from her many years of struggle. She provides helpful hints on how to be gutsy and take risks, the tricks to good auditioning and callbacks, and how not to fall for certain scams (auditions in a guy’s apartment are probably not legit—or at least not for the kind of part you’re looking for!).

Her inspiring, helpful guidance feels like a trusted friend who’s made the journey, and has now returned to walk beside you, pointing out the pitfalls as you blaze your own path towards the life of a professional actor.

4.  Laila Anderson - Super Fan
Blues' player Colton Parayko introduced the team and all of St. Louis to the sweetest 11 year old - Laila Anderson.  Laila suffers from a rare, life-threatening disease.  The Blues made it possible for Laila to attend many of the playoff games and even surprised her with a trip to Boston to witness Game 7.  She had never lost faith in our team and was as supportive of them as they were of her and her battle for her life.  Get the tissues ready as you watch her kiss the cup ~

5.  There's a new (improved) Stan in town...
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We're going to cap off this monumental hockey season by attending the parade on Saturday.  I'm sure there will once again be thousands of fans downtown to celebrate.  It's the coolest thing to have that many people all together cheering for the same cause.  I'll be back next week to share the experience.

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  1. I must say Congrats to the Blues.

  2. I love Jenna Fischer!! I'm a huge fan of the Office anyways but she is just a doll.

  3. I have read Jenna's book! It was definitely geared a little more towards actors (as the title suggests) but I still really enjoyed getting to hear her story and listen to her narrate (via audiobook) and take away the information that translates over to all careers.

  4. Cant wait for the parade...stay dry!

  5. Jenna's a dream. I saw some of this friendly rivalry online. And from a sporting standpoint, that Game 7 was a masterpiece. To go onto hostile ice and wrest control of the game away from the start, it was beautifully planned. Boston is a great team, but they had no answer.

    Enjoy! There's nothing like a long-awaited championship. I had that with my Denver Broncos, and hope to know it for my Colorado Rockies someday!

  6. Seriously, the video of Laila when her mom told her she was going to Boston slayed me. This was just such an exciting time for your city!!

  7. This was THE BEST. SO COOL you guys were at the Enterprise Center to experience it! I cannot imagine the pandemonium!

  8. I had all the feels watching that final game - it was a good one and so many memories to reflect on for many, many years to come. The picture of the babe in the cup is adorable and Laila.... Oh my heart! <3
