Friday, June 28, 2019

Five on Friday - June 28, 2019

Happy Friday!  I'm so looking forward to this weekend - not because I have anything special going on, just because I was out of town some this week for work and I have a ton of stuff to get caught up on.  Next week is a short week at work so I feel this is my window to get a lot of projects done around the house.  Before all that begins, here's my five for this week ~

1.  Starbucks Teas
I'm not a huge coffee drinker, but put tea in front of me and I'm so happy!  Starbucks just added a selection of Teavana-flavored tea lemonades to their lineup and I can't wait to try them.  You can pick from Peach Green Tea Lemonade, Guava White Tea Lemonade and Blueberry Black Tea Lemonade.  If you don't want the lemonade added, you can just order straight up tea.  With the hotter temps coming this weekend, I can't think of a better way to cool down than with one of these specialty drinks!

Starbucks Teavana-Flavored Tea Lemonades
2.  Trader Joe's Chips
Looking for some chips to add to the burgers and hot dogs coming off the grill?  Head to Trader Joe's for a couple bags of their new delights.  Their picnic-ready ridged potato chips come in four flavors:  Sea Salt & Vinegar, Delicious Dill, Homestyle Ketchup and Smokin' Sweet BBQ.  I can also picture these for snacks during summer road trips.  They are definitely going in my basket on my next trip to Trader Joe's!

Trader Joe's Patio Chips served on a summer BBQ buffet spread with Aloha rolls and pulled pork
3.  Pack This!
Speaking of road trips, check out this handy packing checklist.  It seems I'm always packing in a hurry and having this list to run down to make sure everything I need to coming with us would be perfect!  It's great for both business and pleasure trips.  You'll feel like the most organized person around knowing nothing is forgotten at home when you arrive at your destination.  Pick up a pad for yourself HERE.

Looks like the summer heat is here!  Staying cool outside in the heat is a whole lot easier when you have a handheld air cooler.  I've used these at baseball games, watching fireworks and at outdoor concerts.  They've also come in handy when I'm coordinating a summer weddings to keep the bride cooler when we're outside trying to take pictures.  They're also pretty handy to help cool down those awful hot flashes!  Check it out HERE.

5.  Just a thought...
Image may contain: text

Have a fabulous weekend!  We are going to our outdoor amphitheater tonight, The Muny, to see a play and hopefully will be able to pick blackberries tomorrow at Eckert's.  Hope you have fun stuff on your to-do list.  See you next week!

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  1. I don't do coffee at all but those lemonades sound refreshing! We used to have a checklist for float trips & it had a sheet of plastic over it then you could check then wipe off. Also flip up the plastic to add additional items.

  2. That handheld cooler is the neatest thing I've seen! I may need to get one of those for all the outdoor activities we have planned this summer!

  3. I don't drink coffee either but I love me some iced tea!!

  4. I have never eaten anything from Trader Joe's. The closest I've ever been to one was when I was in Chicago and my hotel shared a lot with TJ. Never managed to go in, though.

  5. Ooh an outdoor play sounds fun! And I LOVE that air cooler. I need that.


  6. Dang it. I was just in a Starbucks today and totally forgot about those teas!! Next time—they do look refreshing! And I miss Trader Joe’s so much! We have an Aldi here but rumors are going around we’ll get a TJ’s soon. I’m all about the chips for summer!

    Def need me one of those fans—especially with the heat we’ve had here lately!

    Xoxo and hope you have a great weekend!

  7. The Sharpie cap is for real. But I'm digging that fan. I could use it tomorrow during an all-day tournament!

  8. What did you think of 1776? Honestly wasn't a favorite of mine, I feel like I lost the most interest during the oh so long chamber scenes.

  9. Happy Fourth of July Penny! Hope you’re enjoying your day.
    Mmm those Starbucks teas look yummy, I’ve never tried of any of them before. I shall have to.
    Mmmm chips. They are my absolute weakness. Ask me to choose candy, chocolate or chips, hands down I’ll pick chips. Lol

    Hope you’re having a great week Penny! :)
