Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Thinking Out Loud About The Bachelorette

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  I dropped the ball last week and didn't get a post up because I was knee deep in getting ready for the wedding I was helping with.  If you missed the post on that, you can catch it HERE.  I'll be posting more on the wedding soon because there were far too many good things to cover in just one post!

One of my guilty pleasures is watching the Bachelor and Bachelorette on ABC.  Do you watch it?  Oh my goodness - I swear I do more eye rolling watching that show!  But at the same time, I just can't look away.  That's what I'm thinking out loud about today.

I about lost it a couple weeks ago when Hannah was crying to Chris Harrison about how hard it was to be in her situation.  Seriously!?!  Girlfriend, if you think having 33 handsome fellas following you around the world on expense paid awesome dates you better brace yourself because life is going to kick your butt.  Trust me Hannah, life can and will get a lot harder!


And what in the living world does she see in Luke P!?!  Cut that man loose!  He needs a few more years to grow up and pull himself together.  It will be interesting to see how he handles himself on Bachelor in Paradise.  (Yes, another train wreck show I can't seem to live without.)  Oh my gosh - if I were his mother he would be getting an ear full after I watched this season.  First, take some responsibility for your own actions!   Do you think ABC is paying Hannah more money to keep him around a bit longer?

Another burning question I have - do you think the guys were told they'd get an extra $100 if they showed up with a salmon blazer?  I mean, I liked the blazers, but to have three different people show up with that color seemed a bit odd to me.  


My next adventure to Nashville will be to track down Jed and hear his band.  Who knows, if Jed is the lucky man to steal Hannah's heart I just might get to meet her too.  But with all the controversy surrounding him and the chick he left behind to go on the Bachelorette, he might be run out of town and finding a place to hear him might be hard to do. 

I'm really thinking they need a house mother living in the mansion and reporting back to Hannah what is going on there when she's not around.  You know, someone who does a little cooking and lays by the pool and listens to all the guy's conversations and actions.  I'd apply for that job in a heartbeat!  

So until the final episode airs on July 29, you'll find me in front of the TV on Monday nights soaking up all the drama.  Are you a fan?  What's been your highlights from this season?  Who do you want to me the next Bachelor??

That's what I'm thinking out loud about today.  What's on your mind?  Link up and share!

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  1. Yeah I like hannah...but I'm done with Luke!

  2. I am going to feel stupid here as I have never seen the show. Thanks for hosting and I have a great Thursday.

  3. gut reaction was WHY---Think(ing) Out Loud About The Bachelorette or AT ALL...LOL

  4. I have never watched the Bachelorette (or the Bachelor for that matter).

  5. A house mother!! Great idea! This is some crew on this season. I have liked some of the guys but Jake is a piece of work. Apparently, he doesn't get the whole Bachelor premise.
