Friday, December 13, 2019

Five on Friday - December 13, 2019

Hey, hey!  Welcome to Five on Friday.  I love sharing these weekly five things with you!  Take a look at today's ~

1.  National Cocoa Day
We are all about hot chocolate over here!  Celebrate today by whipping up a batch of true hot cocoa.  There's a recipe on the back of the Hershey's Cocoa can that can't be beaten.  Add in extras like whipped cream, marshmallows, candy canes, and mini chocolate chips.  Put it in a to-go cup, load up in the car and sip while driving around looking at the Christmas lights!


2.  Krispy Kreme Holiday Doughnuts
Need a holiday treat but have no time to make one?  Drive through your local Krispy Kreme and get a dozen of their holiday doughnuts!  Now through Christmas Eve, you can get a box of joy-filled doughnuts to present to your co-workers, friends, and family that will put a smile on all their faces.  You can even grab one of their gift cards to give as a gift while you're there!

3.  Jumanji:  The Next Level
Okay Jumanji lovers - The Next Level releases today!  Fandango summarizes it like this: "In Jumanji: The Next Level, the gang is back but the game has changed. As they return to Jumanji to rescue one of their own, they discover that nothing is as they expect. The players will have to brave parts unknown and unexplored, from the arid deserts to the snowy mountains, in order to escape the world’s most dangerous game."  It sounds like a fun flick to catch over the holidays.

Do you have a Marvel lover in your life?  The Marvel Encyclopedia just might make the perfect gift for them!  As Amazon says, "Keep up with the ever-expanding Marvel Universe with this new edition of DK's best-selling Marvel Encyclopedia. Updated and expanded, this definitive Who's Who of Marvel Comics reveals vital info and secret histories of more than 1200 classic and brand new Marvel characters, and provides the lowdown on recent key events including Civil War 2, Secret Empire, and Infinity Countdown."

5.  A good day...

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Hope you have a wonderful weekend.  I'm wrapping up a week of vacation with a big finale weekend.  My daughter-in-law and I are going to a glass blowing class tomorrow and Sunday my family is coming over for a special surprise day.  You'll want to stop in next week to hear about the surprise!

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  1. Good roundup. I never knew Krispy Kreme had those darling donuts! And, yeah, I may want to be a pirate, too-haha! ;)

  2. My boys and I want to see that Jumanji movie; we really enjoyed the last one! I had no idea it was national hot cocoa day.. that's a day that needs celebrating.
