Monday, January 20, 2020

Weekending - January 17, 2020

Weekends typically go by way too fast and this one was no exception!  Here's the recap ~

Friday I managed to slip out of work a bit early due to inclement predicted weather.  I wish I could say that I made good use of my time when I got home, but the truth is I sat in bed, did some work and watched television all night long.  And it was pretty glorious!  Eric even brought me dinner in bed. 

Saturday morning I rose early and finished getting ready for my friend Linda's visit.  She had decided to postpone her arrival until Saturday due to the above-mentioned weather.  Soon after she arrived, we were off to a cooking class at one of our favorite stores, Fezziwigs

The title of the class was perfect for the blistery cold day - Winter Soups and Hearty Salads. 

We watched as the instructor cooked, roasted and tossed together two soups and two salads.  They were all equally delicious and I can't wait to make them at home.  

When the class was over, we did a little retail therapy before going home to get ready for dinner.  We were meeting up with a dear friend of ours and her daughter, Sharyn and Audrey.  Sharyn and I have been friends since the first grade and we all became buddies when our schools united in the sixth grade.  That's a lot of years!  It was wonderful catching up and getting to spend some time together.

We were very excited about watching the Kansas City Chiefs play on Sunday.  They are Linda's home town team and who doesn't love Mahomes!  I have lots of Facebook friends who live in and around the Kansas City area and it was such fun last week seeing their pictures of their town being painted red.  You better believe we will be glued in front of the television for the Superbowl cheering for them to win it all!  

Besides the fact that watching football with others is a blast, I love having tons of food to munch on.  We have so many leftovers I don't think I'll be cooking this week at all!  One of the things I made for the game was a coconut cream pie.  I'll be sharing the recipe for this mound of deliciousness later this week.  

We have a busy week ahead, full of fun things.  I have to admit, I love having things to do on the calendar!  I hope whatever is on your calendar this week is making you happy!


  1. That pie looks amazing! Sounds like such a fun weekend. We got some snow on Saturday but nothing like they had been predicting.

  2. Dinner in bed sounds wonderful! What a fun weekend, and the pie looks delicious. Have a good week - thanks for linking up with Hello Monday!

  3. We'll be cheering for the chiefs too - as long as the patriots aren't in it and the former Rams ;)

  4. It sounds like you had a fantastic weekend. The cooking class sounds like a lot of fun. The soup is what you need in the cold weather. The coconut cream pie looks delicious x #MMBC

  5. Nice. I am happy that the Chiefs made it to the Super Bowl but I am a teacher in the San Francisco Unified School District- So I have to root for the 49ers.
