Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Good Friends Warm the Heart

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  Today I'm reminiscing of the fun I had a couple weekends ago.  Eric and I flew in from Vegas late on Saturday night and I had friends coming in for a few days starting Sunday morning.  Normally after a late-night arrival home, I would have wanted to linger in bed the following morning.  But not this time!  I knew my friends would be arriving around noon and that was motivation enough to hop out of bed and get rolling.

The three friends visiting are all sorority sisters of mine.  Linda and I went to high school together and have been friends since the sixth grade.  We both choose to attend the same college and was interested in joining a sorority.  While we were going through rush, we decided that we would make individual decisions about which sorority to join.  As it turned out, we picked the same one and was thrilled because of it!  The other two ladies visiting were our pledge moms, Donna and Terri.  We've known each other for (dare I say how long!) thirty-eight years!  Our closeness over that time has ebbed and flowed, but every time we're together it's like no time has passed at all.

Soon after my friends arrived, we loaded up in the car and headed to one of my favorite diners - The Fountain on Locust.  You've heard me mention this restaurant before, but it's worth mentioning again.  They have boozy ice cream drinks that are OH.SO.GOOD!

Another thing I can't get enough of is their dill pickle soup.  I know, you're thinking really, dill pickle soup?  Yes.  Dill pickle soup.  It's fabulous!  And all three of my friends agreed.

Even if your meal fills you up, there's just enough room for their famous world's smallest hot fudge sundae!  

After our late lunch, we went to the National Blues Museum, located downtown on Washington Avenue.  The museum has an intimate listening room where they host their Soulful Sunday concerts.  This particular week The Kingdom Blues were performing.  So good!

We ventured back home and spent the rest of the night playing board games and catching up.  There's nothing quite like a great day out with friends to feed your soul!

Monday was spent lounging around the house and, of course, playing more board games.  Those two days were filled with deep conversations, lots of belly laughs and all kinds of fun.  Friends are truly priceless and I'm so very lucky to have these women in my life.

Just in case you're wondering, our sorority is Alpha Xi Delta.  Joining the sorority was one of the best decisions I made during my college years.  Friendships were formed that are precious to me and that's worth everything.

Now it's your turn - what's on your mind today?  Link up and share!

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  1. That sounds like wonderful time spent with friends.

  2. Thanks so much for hosting! I'm linking up with a short story challenge BLURRED VISION (BARN PHOTO PROMPT) and a quote BUTTERFLIES ARE…

  3. Alpha Xi Delta Sisters! You all are fabulous and I love every one of you!

  4. Hi Penny! It looks like you are having so much fun with your college buds! Thanks so much for hosting!!

  5. Looks like such a wonderful time. Very nice.

  6. It looks like you all had a wonderful time together will your college friends!
