Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Weekending - March 20, 2020

In case you have been tucked inside for a few days and are losing track of what day it is - Today is Tuesday, March 24.  Hope you guys are all holding up okay under these different times.

Eric is still working at his work place and today I start working from home.  I'm so thankful that we have each other because I might drive myself crazy if I were doing this staying at home thing alone.  The weekend was actually fun because we rarely just hang out at home that much together.  I don't know if I'll be saying that after a few weeks! 

Here's how we spent the weekend ~

Friday night Eric had to work late.  I swung by my favorite sushi restaurant, Wasabi, and picked up dinner.  They happily delivered my order out to my car.

I was so excited to have my Sephora Play Box waiting for me when I got home.  For $10 a month, this little box of surprises shows up in my mailbox and brightens my day.   I was so glad to see a little can of dry shampoo in this month's box.  Believe it or not, I've never tried dry shampoo.  Now that I'll be spending some days at home, I'm going to give it a go. 

Saturday Eric was up bright and early to head to work.  I decided to make a quick trip to Sam's to stock up on a few things and get gas.  I was pleasantly surprised at the number of things they had on their shelves.  We are stocked and ready to hang at the house for a while!

When I got home, I couldn't resist watching a bit of the Hallmark Countdown to Christmas.  It was playing in the background as I worked around the kitchen.  Did you watch any of it?

In the afternoon, my friend Linda and I did a Zoom video chat.  I hadn't done one before and it was so easy!   It's a free service and lets you see who you're talking to.   This week I'm going to try to get my parents connected so we can have a video chat.

Saturday night we had one of our favorite comfort foods for dinner - Chicken Pot Pie.  After dinner, we started watching The Office.  It's so hilarious!  Years ago I watched every episode, but Eric hadn't seen them all.  It's been a great way to get some laughter in our lives.

Sunday we were both got to spend the day in the house.  The morning was cold and sleet was coming down.  What a perfect lounge-around-the-house day!  For the second week in a row, we enjoyed our church service online.   Then we got to work on a puzzle we had started.

I had a ham baking in the oven and the aroma wrapped around us like a big hug.  We turned the music up loud and had a dance party in the kitchen.  Highly recommend doing this!

Monday we both headed off to work.  Once there, it was decided that I'd finish the week working from home.  So today I start my new normal.  My computer is set up and I'm ready to go!  Hope your week is off to a good start.  Tomorrow I'll be hosting the Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop.  Pop in and see all the great recipes and ideas being shared!


  1. We actually are home bound now too and on a rotation to go in at the bank. Stay safe!

  2. I truly did think it was Wednesday today!! My boys set me straight though. My husband is still working so I at least know when it's a weekday and a weekend. LOL.

  3. Sounds like a sensible weekend, I made oatmeal pumpkin muffins just to get the smell in the house. Hugs! that is the only bad thing---no hugs...grins!

  4. Great progress on the puzzle. It looks incredibly detailed and difficult. I discovered a little puzzle I had stuck away in the closet. Pulled it out but haven't begun yet. I get so much help from my kitties and no help from PC. If only I could switch that!
