Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Easter Three-Tier Tray

Hey guys!  Thanks for stopping by Thinking Out Loud Thursday.  Today I'm thinking about our three-tier tray and the Easter decorations we just placed on it.

I hesitated dragging out the Easter decorations this year because it will just be me and Eric here.  I know I'll be fighting off a rotten mood that day because I'll miss seeing our families.  But you know what - I like looking at the decorations so out they came!

Thank goodness I had picked up a few things for the three-tier tray before our area went on lock down.  I added flowers to make it scream spring and a cute little bunny to each layer.


The whole kitchen window is ready for the Easter bunny to hop on by.  The decorations will make it seem more like a holiday.

The window is ready for the upcoming holiday!  Are you decorating this year?  I'll be posting about our other decorations next week.  Pop in and see how the rest of the house looks.

Now it's your turn - what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share!
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  1. Your Easter decorations are darling! They brought a smile to my face too.

  2. I'm inspired to get started on some spring decorating myself today!

  3. Love those little bunnies! And the 'EASTER'. So festive!

  4. Everything is just adorable. I love the little bunnies with the floral behinds. Thinking those would be fun to make with some pretty napkins and decoupage. Your E-A-S-T-E-R is so pretty, too. All of your decor just have a very vintage, sweet feel. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Perfect for spring, love it! Thanks so much for linking up with me at #AThemedLinkup 14 for Spring Crafts and Decor, open March 29 to April 10. All entries shared on social media if share buttons installed. My Unlimited Monthly Party 11 is open April 1 to 26 if you’d like to link up for more views and shares.

  6. You made the cutest tray and perfect for easter.

  7. CONGRATS! Your post is FEATURED at #AThemedLinkup 15 for Crafts and DIY from my previous linkup for Spring Crafts and Decor, open April 15 to 25. All entries shared on social media if share buttons installed.
