Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - April 16, 2020

Hey there!  Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday.  Today I'm sharing a few things that are helping me get through this sheltering in place time of our lives.

I'm taking the stay at home order and social distancing practice very seriously.  Hopefully, you are too.  Finding joy in this time can be a bit of a challenge, but it can be done!  That's not to say that I have my good days and bad days, but focusing on the things that bring me happiness has helped.  

Today I want to share a few things that are making me happy each day ~

Over the winter the birdfeeder we had hanging off our patio broke.  I purchased a new one from Amazon and now I can enjoy watching the birds munch on their food while sitting at my kitchen table.  

Our dining room table has become my new work desk.  From my perch in the dining room, I can hear our chimes from the front porch.  I can honestly say that I will miss hearing them when I go back to work.  

Listening to the right podcast can be so motivational.  I've added a new one to my morning routine - The New Corner Office with Laura Vanderkam.  The episodes are a quick three minutes or less.  She talks about "strategies for succeeding in the new world of work, one where location and hours are more flexible than in the past".   Give it a listen!

I'm reading a great book right now - City of Girls.  It's the book selection for one of my book clubs and I'm so enjoying it.  Eric is leaving for work every day by 5:30 am and now that I don't have to commute to work I've been enjoying laying in bed and reading a bit before hopping up and getting busy.  I'm 65% finished and can hardly put it down!  


 Now it's your turn - what are you thinking out loud about today?  What are some things that are bringing you joy right now?  Link up and share!  We'd love to hear from you.

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  1. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up today with A GERMAPHOBE AND COVID-19 and INTERNATIONAL SAFETY PIN DAY.

  2. I'm also taking advantage of a few holes in my schedule to READ more and to enjoy it more.

  3. We are taking it very seriously as well. We are on rotation at work but that's the only contact we are having with people if we have to.

  4. I taking it seriously also. I am going out for walks on local trails and such but only if I sense that there are not crowds. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful Thursday.

  5. That porch looks like a lovely place to sit and enjoy!

  6. Can't wait to check out City of Girls! Your new bird feeder is beautiful!

  7. I thought City of Girls sounded good, too. Glad to know you are enjoying it. I have too many books going and need to finish some up so I can concentrate on the others.

    Have never been a big bird fan but I do like the idea of having a feeder...although, we have kitties who venture out sometimes, too. I would find it peaceful listening to the wind chimes and watching the birds.
