Friday, July 17, 2020

Five on Friday - July 17, 2020

Happy Friday!  Thanks for stopping by Five on Friday today.

1.  Hallmark Christmas in July
Hallmark is giving us something to cheer about by sharing their Christmas in July from now until July 26.  The event will be featuring some of my favorites - Christmas at Dollywood, Christmas in Rome, Switched for Christmas, A Christmas Duet.  Any of them your favorites?  When their main Christmas Countdown begins in October, you could be sipping on some Hallmark wine.  The wines can be pre-ordered (HERE) and will be delivered in October, just before their Christmas Countdown.  Could be pretty fun to send them as a surprise for those Hallmark movie lovers in your life!

2.  Comet Neowise
Spend some time looking into the sky over the next few days and you might be able to spot Comet Neowise.  This week is prime viewing time.  The 3-mile-wide comet is streaking past us and is expected to reach peak brightness this week.  According to, the comet's "prime-time" viewing hours will come about 80 minutes after sunset.  If you miss it, the next time the comet will be near us is in 6,768 years so I highly recommend trying to catch it this time around.  

If you've been keeping up on the blog, you know that the last few weekends we've spent time in our blowup pool.  Now, this blowup pool is about 10 years old and this is the first time we've had it out of the garage in probably 9 years.  It had a few leaks.  Eric patched them with this Crystal Clear Gorilla Tape and our problems were solved.  This stuff is amazing!  It's waterproof and airtight.  I'm glad we have it around the house because I think we might find another 745384738 uses for it besides keeping air in the pool.  

Looking for your next fun read for the summer?  Look no further - Debbie Macomber's new book A Walk Along the Beach just came our on Tuesday and it looks like a winner.  Here's the summary from Amazon ~
The Lakey sisters are perfect opposites. After their mother died and their father was lost in grief, Willa had no choice but to raise her sister, Harper, and their brother, Lucas. Then, as an adult, she put her own life on hold to nurse Harper through a terrifying illness. Now that Harper is better and the sisters are living as roommates, Willa has realized her dream of running her own bakery and coffee shop, bringing her special brand of caretaking to the whole Oceanside community.
Harper, on the other hand, is always on the go. Overcoming a terrible illness has given her a new lease on life, and she does not intend to waste it. When Harper announces her plan to summit Mount Rainier, Willa fears she may be pushing herself too far. Harper, for her part, urges Willa to stop worrying and do something outside of her comfort zone—like taking a chance on love with a handsome new customer.

Sean O’Malley is as charming as he is intriguing—a freelance photographer whose assignments take him to the ends of the earth. Soon Willa’s falling for him in a way that is both exciting and terrifying. But life has taught Willa to hedge her bets, and she wonders whether the potential heartache is worth the risk.

Life has more challenges in store for them all. But both sisters will discover that even in the darkest moments, family is everything.

5.  Definitely #4....

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Hope you have a wonderful weekend!  It's going to be a hot one here.  I got a new Silhouette and I'm hoping to get it up and running this weekend.  Other than that, we have a wide-open calendar.  Pop in next week for the weekend rewind.

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  1. Oh I just love Debbie Macomber!!

  2. I'm dying to catch the Christmas in dollywood!

  3. Thanks for the heads up about the comet. Will try to see it from our porch!!
