Thursday, September 3, 2020

Five on Friday - September 4, 2020

Friday is here and, I'm not going to lie, I'm a little sad to see this one get here.  This is the last day of vacation for us.  Tomorrow we drive home. It's been a glorious week of laying by the beach and going to the pool.  Before we head back to reality, here's my five for this week ~

1.  National Food Bank Day
Today is National Food Bank Day.  Food banks across the country have been hit hard lately.  The need is even higher because so many kids are not getting lunches at school.  If you're in a position to help, think about making a food or monetary donation to your nearest food bank.  Be the difference!  If you would like to donate to the St. Louis Food Bank, click HERE.  

NATIONAL FOOD BANK DAY – First Friday in September

2.  Younger
My friend Linda recommended the show Younger to me and we have been binging it from the first episode!  We love it!  I don't know where I've been since this show started in 2015.  Have you seen it?  The plot goes like this, "Younger is based on the novel written by Pamela Redmond Satran. The novel was released in 2005 and after many years the show was made into a Television series. The success of the TV show motivated the makers to renew the show for many seasons. The story focuses on the life of a 40-year-old woman Liza Miller. She gets into a publishing company by disguising her age and by pretending to be a younger woman. The plot focuses on how she manages to hide her age and also takes care of her relationships alongside that."  This show has had me gasping with the plot twists.  A little risque and so good!  If you haven't seen it, add it to your list!

3.  Act II Llama Party Popcorn
Keep your eyes peeled for the new Act II Llama Party popcorn hitting the shelves this month!  Talk about a party in a box!  When popped, these blue kernels taste just like candy candy.  That is sure to take movie night to a new level!

4.  Fall Pillow Covers

4.  Fall Pillow Covers
It's that time of year - pumpkins, pumpkins everywhere.  I'm starting with my fall pillow covers.  I started getting covers for my pillows a few years ago and found it is so much easier than trying to get different themed pillows.  And it sure takes a lot less storage space!  So, bring on the fall ones!

5.  Welcome September....

Have a great holiday weekend!  I'll be back next week with the conclusion of our vacation and a few other fun things.  See you then!

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  1. Great stuff! Thanks for the reminder about the food banks.

  2. Have a safe ride home! Thanks for the show suggestion; we've been floundering for something new to watch.

  3. I am truly chuckling out loud at that September graphic. You are not kidding. It is time for one of these months to straighten up. What a year!

    Saw some really cute pillows at Lowe's and almost had PC talked into getting one. Almost. He would more likely approve of pillow covers though because they take up much less space. Thanks for the cute choices.

    Got to find that popcorn. Going to add it to my Walmart list if it is available already. I know my crew will love it.
