Friday, November 20, 2020

Five on Friday - November 20, 2020

Woo Hoo - it's Friday!  This has been a short work week for me, but I'm still pretty darn excited that weekend it here.  Let's get right to the five for today ~

1.  Turkey Information
Turkey Day is approaching!  Have you bought your bird yet for Thanksgiving?  Our Thanksgiving is definitely a lot smaller than usual this year thanks to covid, but we are still going to have turkey and all the traditional sides.  It's sad enough that I won't be seeing my family.  I can't let the day go by without having our Thanksgiving favorites to eat!  If your turkey is 20-24 pounds, you'll need to get that big boy in the refrigerator to thaw starting today.  The below graphics should help with the serving size, thawing time, and roasting time.  

2.  Christmas Chronicles 2
Netflix is bringing us Christmas Chronicles 2 starting Thanksgiving Eve (Wednesday, November 25).  The summary is short and sweet, "Teenager Kate Pierce is reunited with Santa Claus when a troublemaker threatens to cancel Christmas -- forever."  We really enjoyed the first Christmas Chronicles, so I'm looking forward to lighting a fire, making some hot chocolate, and curling up on the couch to watch this one!

Yesterday I shared some fun gift-giving ideas for book lovers (HERE) and I have another idea today.  Look at this Book Lover magnetic poetry kit!  You could use this box of words to leave all kinds of notes for your family on the refrigerator.  Over 200 words come inside the box for you to craft the perfect message.  If the Book Lover set isn't your jam, Magnetic Poetry has 100 different sets like Psycho KittyHappiness Kit, and Kindness Kit.  

Michael J. Fox has a new book coming out on Tuesday.  He is such an inspiration!  Here's the summary from Amazon ~
The entire world knows Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly, the teenage sidekick of Doc Brown in Back to the Future; as Alex P. Keaton in Family Ties; as Mike Flaherty in Spin City; and through numerous other movie roles and guest appearances on shows such as The Good Wife and Curb Your Enthusiasm. Diagnosed at age 29, Michael is equally engaged in Parkinson’s advocacy work, raising global awareness of the disease and helping find a cure through The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, the world’s leading non-profit funder of PD science. His two previous bestselling memoirs, Lucky Man and Always Looking Up, dealt with how he came to terms with the illness, all the while exhibiting his iconic optimism. His new memoir reassesses this outlook, as events in the past decade presented additional challenges.

In No Time Like the Future: An Optimist Considers Mortality, Michael shares personal stories and observations about illness and health, aging, the strength of family and friends, and how our perceptions about time affect the way we approach mortality. Thoughtful and moving, but with Fox’s trademark sense of humor, his book provides a vehicle for reflection about our lives, our loves, and our losses.

Running through the narrative is the drama of the medical madness Fox recently experienced, that included his daily negotiations with the Parkinson’s disease he’s had since 1991, and a spinal cord issue that necessitated immediate surgery. His challenge to learn how to walk again, only to suffer a devastating fall, nearly caused him to ditch his trademark optimism and “get out of the lemonade business altogether.”

Does he make it all of the way back? Read the book.

5.  Have you been tested.....

Hope you have a great weekend!  We are going to be regrouping and unpacking from our trip.  We are also going to be dragging out the Christmas tubs in preparations for the decorating to begin!  What's on your agenda for the weekend?  Whatever it is, I hope you have a good time doing it.  See you back here next week!


  1. Just us 2 for turkey day too. Bummed but its for the best!

  2. I have my turkey thawing out! It's so hard to make room enough in the fridge though; I always feel like we eat so sparingly the week leading up to Thanksgiving as I have so little room in the fridge for anything else.

  3. Michael J. Fox's book looks like a great one! His optimism is truly inspiring. Thanks for sharing these!
