Friday, April 30, 2021

Five on Friday - April 30, 2021

Hey, hey friends - happy Friday!  Where did the week go?  I was super busy at work this week so the past few days have flown by.  This is one of those weeks that I could really benefit from having an extra day or two, so the weekend is going to be a little more packed than I typically like it to be.  Nevertheless, I'm still super excited to have a few days at home.  And I'm definitely not complaining about being busy again after this past year of feeling quite bored a lot of the time!  Let's start things off with me sharing my five for this week ~

1.  The Handmaid's Tale
It's back!  Three episodes of the new season dropped earlier this week and I'm dying to get cozy on the couch and soak up every one of them.  Have you watched it yet?  The season three cliffhanger was a good one and I'm excited to see how June is going to get out of the pickle she got yourself into.  This season will have 10 episodes of pure drama.  Praise be!

2.  Sooley
John Grisham's latest book was released this week and it sounds like another best seller!  Here's the summary from Amazon ~
In the summer of his seventeenth year, Sam­uel Sooleymon gets the chance of a lifetime: a trip to the United States with his South Sudanese teammates to play in a showcase basket­ball tournament. He has never been away from home, nor has he ever been on an airplane. The opportunity to be scouted by dozens of college coaches is a dream come true.

Samuel is an amazing athlete, with speed, quick­ness, and an astonishing vertical leap. The rest of his game, though, needs work, and the American coaches are less than impressed.

During the tournament, Samuel receives dev­astating news from home: A civil war is raging across South Sudan, and rebel troops have ran­sacked his village. His father is dead, his sister is missing, and his mother and two younger brothers are in a refugee camp.

Samuel desperately wants to go home, but it’s just not possible. Partly out of sympathy, the coach of North Carolina Central offers him a scholar­ship. Samuel moves to Durham, enrolls in classes, joins the team, and prepares to sit out his freshman season. There is plenty of more mature talent and he isn’t immediately needed.

But Samuel has something no other player has: a fierce determination to succeed so he can bring his family to America. He works tirelessly on his game, shooting baskets every morning at dawn by himself in the gym, and soon he’s dominating everyone in practice. With the Central team los­ing and suffering injury after injury, Sooley, as he is nicknamed, is called off the bench. And the legend begins.

But how far can Sooley take his team? And will success allow him to save his family?

Gripping and moving, Sooley showcases John Grisham’s unparalleled storytelling powers in a whole new light. This is Grisham at the top of his game.

I was getting a little tired of my black work tote bag, so I decided to treat myself to a new one from Amazon.  This one had been popping up in a few other blogs that I read with great reviews so I decided to give it a whirl.  It's cheap, so my expectation was low.  But this baby is the bomb and lives up to the hype!  It comes in a ton of colors and textures.  I decided to go with the pink crocodile one for spring.  Perfect for carrying my planner, umbrella, water bottle, journal, and a few other little things back and forth to work.  At only $14, I'm thinking seriously about adding a few of the other colors to my collection.

4.  Girl Scout Thin Mints Almonds
Hey all you Costco members - look what's on the shelves at your store.  Girl Scout Thin Mints Almonds!  If your stash of Girl Scout Thin Mint cookies is running low, you can supplement with a jar of these almonds.  I think I might like these almonds more than the cookies.  They are also gluten-free!

5.  Cheers...

Keep your fingers crossed that we don't get rain on Sunday.  I'm hosting a wedding work day at our house and have big plans to debut our outdoor furniture and set up a table for lunch.  The forecast is saying 40% chance of rain.  That means a 60% chance of no rain, so I'm staying positive.  You better believe there will be pictures next week if I can pull this off!  Have a great weekend and hope to see you back here next week.

1 comment:

  1. That tote is fabulous and those almonds sound so good!
