Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Weekending - May 21, 2021

Weekends are feeling so good as things open back up and we get back to doing our normal activities!  This weekend was a great combination of staying home and getting out and about.

Friday night was a stay-at-home night.  The weather was beautiful and perfect for grilling!  We ate outside and enjoyed watching the Cardinals baseball game.  We didn't so much enjoy the way they played (lost 12-3).  As soon as the Blues game started, we flipped over to catch some hockey.  They, too, let us down by losing the game.  But we did enjoy spending some time together and being outside.

Saturday morning I finished making the programs for the wedding I'm helping with in June, ran errands, and got a few things in order around the house.  I'm so bad at letting the mail pile up all week and then having a stack to sift through on the weekend.  A few new magazines were in the pile so I sat outside, soaking up the sun, for a bit.

We had a date night Saturday evening to see Bon Jovi Encore Concert Series at the theater.  One of the things I've missed the most during the pandemic was seeing live music.  Going to concerts is one of my favorite things to do, and I can't wait to see a live group.  But, until then I'll take what I can get.  It was a bit weird listening to Bon Jovi while just sitting there in my seat nibbling on popcorn.  I had the urge to jump up and dance a little, but I didn't.  I'll save that for when I'm at a real concert again.  Hopefully soon!

The night was topped off with ice cream!  Annie's Frozen Custard was located right across the street from the theater and our car just automatically pulled in.  Perfect ending to a great day!

Avocado toast is one of our new favorite things and that's what we had for breakfast Sunday morning.  I know we are so late to the game on this, but better let than never!  We love it with some Everything but the Bagel seasoning on top.  What's your favorite topping?

In the afternoon, I met with a couple to potentially help with their wedding in 2022.  It's so fun and energizing listening to a newly engaged couple talk about their dream wedding!  

I had been eyeing a field of weeds near our house for a week and thinking it would be the perfect place to take pictures.  Sunday evening I decided to see if our friend would meet me there with her daughters.  It was VERY spur of the moment, but thankfully she stopped what she was doing and delivered her kids to the field.  It was a fun little photoshoot and a great way to wrap up the weekend!  

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