Wednesday, June 23, 2021

2021 Summer Bucket List

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday where I share something I'm thinking out loud about and invite you to link up and do the same!

Summer officially started a few days ago and today I'd like to share my 2021 Summer Bucket List with you!  For me, I love to write down my seasonal bucket lists.  It helps me to be more intentional with my time and lessens the chance of looking back on a season and realizing I really didn't accomplish things I really wanted to get done.  Here are a few of the things I'm hoping to accomplish this year ~

We love vacations!  I have a couple in the works during the upcoming months and I am super pumped about them!  One downside to our vacations is I typically let myself get all stressed out before we go.  I'm up until the wee hours the night before we leave to finish packing.  I'm yelling at Eric over the craziest things.  I'm throwing way too many things in the suitcase because I can't decide what I'm going to be wearing on the trip.  Can anyone relate?  Well, my goal this summer is to not be my typical procrastinator self and plan ahead.  I want to start the trip feeling well-rested and totally together.  Our first trip is in a few weeks so wish me luck.

Host my niece and nephew for a few days
The little kiddos in our life are my favorite!  Last summer due to Covid, we really didn't have the opportunity to spend as much time with them as I would have preferred.  This summer I'm hoping their parents can do without them for a few days and let them visit Aunt Penny and Uncle Eric's house.  I have all kinds of plans dancing around in my head to do with them!

Listen to more books
Listening to audiobooks is fairly new to me.  It took me a while to be able to master listening to a great novel.  In the past, I would find myself not really listening and my mind roaming.  Sometime over the past couple of years, I've gotten much better at listening and following the story.  Now I just need to remember to pop in my earbuds and listen more often.  There are so, so many books on my TRB list.  I know I could cross some off if I used more of my downtime listening.

Clean my craft room
Guys, my craft room would give the staff of Hoarders a run for their money.  It hasn't been tidy for years.  Literally years.  The last time it was clean I paid my friend's daughter to come to my house and just clean it.  Whenever I go in there to get the job done, I get distracted and the cleaning is over.  Come Fall, I want this room cleaned and tidy.  

Re-start supper club    
Prepandemic, our neighborhood gals were getting together once a month. It's time for us to start that again!  I miss seeing everyone and I miss planning the get-togethers.  Summer will be the perfect time to plan an evening reconnecting with everyone in the backyard.  

Summer photoshoot
A friend of mine has graciously let me photograph her daughters and fulfill my dream of feeling like a photographer.  I have dreams of capturing them in the sunflower fields this summer.  And going along with this one, I'm hoping to increase my skills in Lightroom.  

Reupholster my bathroom chair
This poor chair in our bathroom has taken a couple decades of my hairspray, makeup, and whatever else happens to land on it.  It could really use a new cover.  I've looked at a million YouTube videos and I really think this is something I could easily do.  Now I just need to do it!

Celebrate our 20th anniversary
In July, Eric and I will be married for 20 years!  TWENTY YEARS!  That's a long time.  I want to think of a way to appropriately celebrate.  Got any ideas?

What are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share!  

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  1. Hey come link up your list on my blog, too!! So glad to discover your great plans for the summer. I just watched a video of Emm at Dust and Doghair reupholstering her kitchen stool and I am wondering if I could do that. You are so creative you absolutely could reupholster your bathroom chair.
    Yay for bringing back your supper club, vacationing and having the little come visit. Will be anxious to see how you fare on your plans. I will share my first progress report on my list on 07.21. Come join me!!

  2. We just celebrated 20 years last month! We had wanted to take a trip to the Virgin Islands or the Bahamas (2 of our favorite stops from our honeymoon cruise) but I was still feeling pretty uncertain about travel so we headed out for a long weekend to New Hampshire instead (I felt much better about driving than flying). I hope you come up with some fun way to celebrate! You have a great bucket list.

  3. I can't remember what we did for our 20th...
    Whatever you do, take pictures so you won't forget!

  4. Excellent Bucket List - and happy 20th a little early! Thanks for hosting. I hope you enjoy the recipes I added from Homemade on a Weeknight.

  5. We hit 10 years in July and just got back from aruba to celebrate so I say go to Aruba! Seriously, it was the best vacation.

  6. I like your list. I struggled with mine at first but think I like how it ended up. Not sure I'll get to them all but I'll try.

  7. I always think making any kind of list is not in my character...I sort of fly by the seat of my pants through life. However---we have sort of made a verbal list here---botanic gardens, old world Wisconsin, get out on the lake more...and try not to work ALL of the time! Enjoy your summer, your list sounds like fun---! Sandi

  8. It sounds like you'll be busy this summer, Penny. I can relate to your pre-vacation stress. I wish you (and Eric) lots of luck with this one. You can do it! Happy 20th anniversary to you two. My husband and I have been married for 22 years now. Our 20th coincided with my husband's 60th birthday, so we went big and took the kids and grandkids to Mexico. It was the summer before COVID, and we count our lucky stars all the time! It was the best trip ever. Happy summer to you and good luck with your bucket list!
