Wednesday, September 22, 2021

2021 Fall Goals

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday where I share something I'm thinking about and invite you to link up and do the same.  This week I'm thinking about fall.

We officially greeted the fall season this week!  The moment when the sun crosses the equator happened on Wednesday and now with each day, we'll have a little less sun and a little more darkness. It's usually hard for me to let go of summer, but a few cool days almost always gets me in the mood for all fall has to offer.

Today I'm jotting down my fall goals so nothing gets forgotten and I can live a little more intentionally ~

Take a road trip to see the changing leaves

Try a couple new restaurants

Read at least 2 books of my choosing

Read a motivation book

Get my exercising back on track

Decorate for Halloween and Thanksgiving

Have friends over to set outside by the fire table

Up my meal planning game

Make Boo Bags for my work friends

Replenish my handmade cards

Hike to a waterfall

Restart our neighborhood ladies gatherings

Enjoy a girls weekend away

Watch a football game on Zoom with my out-of-town friend

If I can get these things done, I think it will be a pretty awesome fall season!  What are some things on your fall goals list?

Now it's your turn.  What are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share!

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  1. That's a life-giving list!
    I will be back when the link opens.

  2. Stopping by to share another round of recipes from Homemade on a Weeknight! Hope you have a great week and thanks for hosting.

  3. I need to get my exercise back on track too. This sounds like a great list.

  4. Lovely autumn inspiration. Thank you for hosting every week.

  5. Such great goals. I know that you will achieve them.

  6. Making Boo bags would be fun. We just don't have anyone really to give them to. Maybe some of the neighbors with kids?

    Always looking for a good motivational book to read. Look forward to what you try. I just started our book club selection for October Apples Never Fall. Listening to it and have enjoyed the first chapters. So nice to walk this time of year and listen to a book while doing so.
