Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Weekending - September 10, 2021

What a weekend!  I might be loosening my grip on summer and welcoming in fall!  We had gorgeous weather this weekend and it was perfect for our outdoor activities on Saturday.  Here's a rewind of the weekend ~

After working late Friday night, Eric and I had a relaxing evening watching Ted Lasso.  Man, we are loving that show!  We look forward to having a new episode drop every week.

Saturday we spent the day at the Ascension Charity Classic golf tournament.  Our son and daughter-in-law joined us and it was wonderful spending the day with them!  And we got to see some of golf's legends like Jack Nickolaus and Vijay Singh.  

It was also nice that they handed out red, white, and blue ribbons to commemorate the anniversary of 9-11.  Last week I watched an older clip on YouTube about Gander, Newfoundland and how that community handled 9-11.  You can watch it HERE.  We should all be more like the residents of Gander.

The golf tournament finished right around dinner time and we were all hungry.  We decided to try a new Mexican restaurant Mezcaleria Las Chupacabras.  I tend to gauge a place on if I would take my friends there on a girls' weekend.  This place passed the test!  

We all enjoyed our menu selections, our waiter was fantastic and the atmosphere was great!  Definitely will return to this place!

Sunday was spent lounging around the house.  I had a paper project I needed to get done.  I'm still working on it!  Hopefully, I can wrap it up tonight.  We also started watching Murder in the Building.  I think we are really going to like it!  We are only one episode in, but so far it's a winner.

This is a busy week, so I'm sure it will fly by.  Hope your week is off to a great start!  See you back here soon!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like a fun weekend! It is definitely feeling like fall here and I am enjoying all the outdoor activities I can before winter hits.
