Monday, September 20, 2021

Weekending - September 17, 2021

What a great weekend we had!  Here's the rewind ~

As soon as I finished work on Friday, I was in my car and headed to a local orchard to photograph our friend's daughters.  It was a lot hotter than I anticipated it being, but the girls were real troopers and didn't complain once.  I'm a far cry from a professional photographer!  Taking pictures is a passion of mine though and I'm so lucky that our friend lets me use her girls as models.  

Eric and I enjoyed dinner out.  When we were done, we decided to live it up a bit and went to hear a local band that was playing at a nearby festival.  It was a perfect night to take in the beautiful weather outside. 

Saturday morning we got ourselves together and ran some errands.  While we were out, we had lunch at our favorite taco joint, Club Taco.  We got a lot accomplished in a short time and decided to reward ourselves by swinging through the Dairy Queen drive-through to test a couple of the new blizzard flavors.  I tried the sea salt toffee fudge.  It was so scrumptious!  

Saturday night we met with our small group from church.  It's so nice to be meeting in person once again!  It was a beautiful evening and we were able to sit outside.  

On Sunday we were celebrating my dad's birthday so we were on the road early to get there.  My nephew also had a birthday this month so we were able to see him open his gift from us instead of mailing it.

We were able to have the whole family together, making the day extra special.  My brother was in charge of frying the fish and hush puppies.   It was delicious!

Our daughter-in-law, Kayla, made a homemade cake for my dad that consisted of four layers of cake, icing, and raspberry filling.  It was so good that I've already requested it for my birthday!

It was a perfect day celebrating my dad and the family being together.  Days like that just make my heart happy and they don't come around often enough.  

When we got home, there was the most gorgeous sunset!  It capped off a wonderful weekend.

The only downside to the whole weekend was the Kansas City Chiefs losing on Sunday night.  I had to make the hard decision to either watch the football game or the Emmys.  I chose the football game and was extremely disappointed by the outcome.  

Hope your week is off to a great start!  Enjoy the beginning of fall!


  1. What an A+ weekend!! Complete with beautiful sunset. Gimme all the hushpuppies. And that fish looks pretty tasty, too. I used to work as a waitress at a restaurant that had all-you-can eat catfish and hushpuppies for $1.99 on Friday nights. You know that was a LONG time ago.
    Glad for your dad's happy birthday, and your nephew's too. Look at you kids going to a concert and out to eat in one night. I haven't had a Blizzard in several months. Long overdue!!

  2. That cake looks amazing! What a fun filled weekend.
