Monday, September 27, 2021

Weekending - September 24, 2021

Eric and I kissed the last weekend in September goodbye on a high note!  This past weekend was the perfect blend of family and fun.  Here's the rewind ~

I took a half day of vacation on Friday and as soon as Eric pulled in the driveway, we loaded the car and headed to Memphis to celebrate our great-nephew's first birthday.  Eric's mom rode with us and I was so grateful she was able to sit in the front seat with Eric and keep him company.  I was desperately trying to finish a book for a book club I am leading today and wasn't anywhere near finished!   

The star of the weekend was the birthday boy!  It was the first time we had been able to see this cutie in person and we couldn't wait to give him a real hug.  

The theme of the party was Elijah's first trip around the sun.  There was a piñata, gifts and cake!  We were so glad we got to participate in this milestone event!  

After the party, I had a chance to spend time with our niece.  She's already a junior in high school and is growing up to be such a beautiful person.  

Eric's nephew and great-nephew joined us for breakfast and we were able to get some family pictures.  It was nice having the morning to visit and catch up with everyone.  Eric's sister and brother-in-law were great hosts and made our stay so nice.

We had to hit the road home by noon on Sunday because we were going to the Rolling Stones concert back in St. Louis Sunday night.  Again Eric's mom kept him company while he drove and I frantically read my book club book.  The book was The Daughters of Yalta. If you like World War II books, definitely give this one a read.  (I finished it literally minutes before the book club meeting started!)

Eric's mom had brought us a surprise.  We love it and I couldn't wait to get it in the yard!  So we quickly put it up before leaving for the concert.  

Our first major concert since the pandemic was The Rolling Stones!  Eric hadn't seen them in concert before so we were super disappointed when their concert was postponed in 2020.  We were afraid the whole group wouldn't be around for too much longer.  Unfortunately, we were right.  The group performed without their beloved drummer, Charlie Watts, who passed away just a few weeks ago.  

Despite not having Charlie and their ages (Mick Jagger is 78!), they still entertained the crowd for a little over two hours.  

We wore our masks throughout the concert and I still felt a little weird being so close to so many people.  Wishing things were back to the old normal.

Hope your week is off to a great start!  We can hopefully catch up on some sleep tonight.  After being out late last night, we need to get rested up to make it through the week.  See you soon!