Thursday, November 4, 2021

Five on Friday - November 5, 2021

Happy November!  I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks this year is flying by way too quickly.  The fact that it's November already has my head spinning!  But, here we are - the first Friday of the month.  That means it's time for Five on Friday.

1.  Turn Back Your Clocks This Weekend
Speaking of time going by too quickly, this weekend could help.  We gain an hour when we set our clocks back in the wee hours of Sunday morning.  Technically, the time change happens at 2:00 am on Sunday morning, but we try to remember to set the clocks back just before going to bed on Saturday night.  What are you going to do with your extra hour?

2.  Sweater from Amazon
Last weekend I traveled to Cleveland with my daughter-in-law for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony.  Definitely need to blog about the whole glorious weekend because it was fabulous!  But, I digress.  Kayla had bought this sweater from Amazon and it was adorable!  It comes in multiple colors and I think I might have to add a few to my closet.  Definitely one to check out if you're looking to add a few new pieces to your fall / winter wardrobe.

3.  Stick Cordless Vacuum Cleaner
We were at dinner with our son and daughter-in-law last night and they were raving about the new cordless vacuum cleaner they recently purchased.  If you're tired of having to drag out your big vacuum every time you need to tidy up, this is something you should have!  It's lightweight and will run up to 28 minutes from the battery.  Maybe there will be one under my Christmas tree this year.  😉

4.  Holiday Menu Items
I know most of you haven't even had a chance to finish your Halloween candy, but buckle up because the Christmas holiday is coming at us at full speed.  Dunkin' Donuts and Starbucks debuted their new cups, drinks, and menu items this week.  You'll find the new Toasted White Chocolate Signature Latte at Dunkin' and a new White Mocha Hot Chocolate.  Starbucks is bringing us a Peppermint Mocha, Caramel Brulee Latte, Chestnut Praline Latte, Toasted White Chocolate, and Irish Cream Cold Brew.  Cheers to starting the holiday season!

5.  Story of my life...

Hope you have a great weekend!  We are going to Kansas City to wrap up Eric's birthday celebration.  The plan is to hit a couple bar-b-que joints and go to the World War I museum.  Pop in next week for the highlights.


  1. That meme describes my life! I'm totally gonna have to try the Toasted White Chocolate Signature Latte at Dunkin'.

  2. We love our cordless vacuum! Makes cleaning up such a breeze.
