Friday, December 24, 2021

Five on Friday - December 24, 2021

Happy Christmas Eve!  Wow - I'm not sure how we got here this fast, but here we are.  I've been playing this holiday one day at a time and I'm running out of days.  Today will be filled with wrapping, last-minute grocery shopping, and some cooking.  Before I start to tackle my to-do list, here's my five for this week ~

1.  American Underdog
American Underdog opens this weekend and tells the inspirational true story of Kurt Warner.  We had the privilege of sitting in our Rams seats and watching this story unfold in real-time and I can't wait to see how it's portrayed on the big screen.  Here's the movie summary from Rotten Tomatoes ~
American Underdog tells the inspirational true story of Kurt Warner (Zachary Levi), who went from a stockboy at a grocery store to a two-time NFL MVP, Super Bowl champion, and Hall of Fame quarterback. The film centers on Warner's unique story and years of challenges and setbacks that could have derailed his aspirations to become an NFL player -- but just when his dreams seemed all but out of reach, it is only with the support of his wife, Brenda (Anna Paquin) and the encouragement of his family, coaches, and teammates that Warner perseveres and finds the strength to show the world the champion that he already is. American Underdog is an uplifting story that demonstrates that anything is possible when you have faith, family and determination.

2.  Book Journal
In 2022, I want to keep track of the books I've read.  Do you keep a book journal?  This one from Anne Bogel looks like a good one.  Here's the description from Amazon ~
Anne Bogel, creator of the Modern Mrs. Darcy blog, provides you with insightful reading lists for every popular genre and each season. She even helps you determine the kinds of books you’d most like to read based on your interests. You’ll also appreciate the sleek, compact design, perfect for taking on the go to the library, bookstore, or your next book club gathering.

So much more than just a journal, this book is a joyful celebration of the written word, one that will significantly enrich every day of your reading life.

3.  KFC Firelog
Do you need a white elephant gift?  I might have the perfect thing!  Walmart exclusively carries the limited-edition KFC Firelog.  This firelog will fill your house with the aroma of 11 herbs and spices and will burn for two and a half to three hours.  Anyone over 21 who orders one by midnight on December 31 will be given a QR code that would win you a sweepstake for a luxury cabin getaway for up to eight people in Kentucky.

4.  Emily in Paris Season 2
Lily Collins is back in the second season of Emily in Paris which hit Netflix this week.  I'm so excited to have this to totally binge-watch over the holiday!  Season 2 is comprised of 10 episodes.  The critiques are saying season 2 is more of the same as season 1 and I think I might be okay with that.  I loved the first season and can't wait to see the shenanigans that season 2 will bring.

5.  Things to ponder...

Merry Christmas!  May your holidays be merry and bright!  We will be seeing family and spending time at home.  My to-do list is a mile long like it always is between Christmas and New Year's.  I'll be popping in next week to talk about my 2022 goals and 2021 reflections.  See you then!

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