Sunday, January 2, 2022

2022 Goals

This time of year, you see a lot of bloggers posting their goals.  To some, this may be inspirational and others, not so much.  Many times, reading others' goals prompts me to remember things I would like to accomplish or achieve.  It ignites energy and motivation that wasn't there until I declared it on the list.  I hope some of my goals do that for you!

It's a New's Years tradition for me to travel to Kansas City and ring in the new year with friends.  When my son was little and I was single, he and I would make the trek across the state, and on the way, we would talk about things we wanted to do in the coming year.  Some years I traveled alone and it's a wonderful time to reflect and plan and dream of what's to come in the next 12 months.  This year I made the trip with Eric, my husband, and we talked about vacations we would like to take and things we'd like to do around the house.  

Here are some of the things I'll be focusing on in 2022 ~

Hike to a waterfall in Tennessee
Waterfalls are one of my very favorite things and I'm willing to travel to see them.  Tennessee is a comfortable weekend trip for us and I would love to see a few of their beautiful waterfalls.  

Collect enough green dust jacketed books to do this:

Read the Louise Penny Detective Gamache Series
I've heard so many people who have loves these books and I've not cracked a single one open.  Many of them are free to read on Kindle Unlimited.  I'd like to read at least the first one to see if I like it.

Try a New Decluttering Technique
There's not a single drawer or cabinet in our house that couldn't use a little decluttering.  This year I'm trying a new technique.  On Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday I'm going to set a timer for 15 minutes and work on one area.  It might be a drawer or shelf, but for 15 minutes it's getting my full attention.  Hopefully, by the time 2022 is over, I'll be able to see some real results!

Be More of This...

Continue My Spiritual Journey
Our church has had a three-year plan to read through the Bible and we are entering our third year.  By the end of the year, I will have read through the entire Bible!  I'm also in a couple Bible study groups and have learned so much from them.  Looking forward to further exploring and understanding the word in 2022!

Hoping we can put the pandemic behind us and all learn to be kinder to each other.  Now let's get busy making 2022 the best year yet!  


  1. These are truly awesome goals! Oh, waterfalls sound so cool. I really hope you get to visit Tennessee and hike to a few this year. It's also amazing that you're doing so well on your spiritual journey. Wishing you an even better year to come. And of course let's hope and pray that we will put the pandemic behind us indeed.

  2. I love your Christmas tree idea. What a fun project!

  3. Ooh; that book series look so good! We're planning to vacation in Tennessee this summer and I have a few waterfall hikes bookmarked in the hopes that it won't be too hot to do them.

  4. Great post. I love how to designed a Christmas tree out of green books and the quote.

  5. Good goals, Penny! I should do the same--thanks for the inspiration. happy and Healthy New Year!
