Wednesday, March 30, 2022

And the Oscar Goes To...

Hello and thanks for stopping by Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  I'm going to share something on my mind and invite you to link up and do the same.

Today I'm still thinking about what a great time I had last weekend.  I would have loved to do a Weekending post, but time completely got away from me so I'm sharing the good time today instead.

Last weekend my friend Linda traveled across the state to partake in the Oscar party we were having.  She was a huge help in getting ready for the party!  If it hadn't been for my friend Carol and her crew coming over to decorate and Linda's last-minute help pulling it all together, I would have been very stressed!  As it turned out, we had a wonderful weekend and everything was perfect by the time the guests arrived.

Before the party on Sunday night, Linda and I managed to join my son and daughter-in-law for dinner on Friday night, binge-watch the entire season of Bridgerton, see the movie Lost City in the theater, stream Licorice Pizza and do some outlet mall shopping.  Yes, we were busy!  

The main attraction for the weekend was definitely the Oscar party.  The guests strolled up the red-carpeted sidewalk and came in through the VIP entrance.  

Once inside, they were greeted with a signature cocktail, The Red Carpet Fizz, made with Almond sparkling wine and cranberry wine.  I had rimmed the glasses earlier in the day with cranberry sugar.  Each guest could also pick out their own award-themed glass tag.

Carol and her crew had done a spectacular job decorating!  I had been purchasing things and literally just throwing them in a tote.  She was able to find the perfect spots for everything!

The kitchen island and area where we have our tier tray got decked out too.  

And the paparazzi captured it all on film!  

We of course had an Oscar ballot and played games.  I love using the mini-clipboards I bought years ago to put them on.  These are great for all kinds of parties - baby showers, bridal showers, so many things!  They ended up being a great investment.

Everyone brought an appetizer and we snacked all night long.  For dessert, we had decorated cookies, candy, and ice cream sandwiches.  If anyone lives in my area and needs someone to decorate cookies for an event, send me a message and I'll share my source.  She is fantastic!  

At the end of the night, guests left with a goody box containing gourmet popcorn, movie candy, and a candy bar.  It was a fun night!  I wish I had gotten more pictures, but once people started arriving I was too busy having fun to remember to take pictures.  I'll just have to make that a goal for next year's party.

Now it's your turn - what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share!

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  1. How fun!
    Didn't watch, was at my sports league, but I sure did hear about it the next day. I also haven't seen any of the movies that were nominated, I'm a bit behind!

  2. "Too busy having fun!" Sounds perfect!

  3. This looks like fun! I completely forgot about the Oscars because I always watch Yargı on Sundays!

    Curated by Jennifer

  4. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up with #4 WEED APPRECIATION DAY and #5 CUTE AS A BUTTON.

  5. That looks like such an amazing party! I love all your decorations.

  6. Very nice. I watched the Oscars for the first time in years. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
