Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Weekending - March 4, 2022

Yes, it's already Tuesday and I'm just sitting down to write my Weekending post.  We had a nice, calm weekend and I'm still running late posting about it!

I worked from home on Friday and as soon as the workday was finished, I lit the fireplace, grabbed my favorite magazine, a cup of tea, my favorite cozy blanket, and settled in for the evening.  It was glorious!  

It's the season of Lent so Friday night Eric stopped at a local fish fry to pick up supper for us on his way home from work.  Are fish fries a thing in your area?  They are big here!  We dined in front of the television with the fire blazing.

Saturday I had two wedding meetings with couples I'm working with.  I'm so glad weddings are happening again and I have wonderful clients to help.  This is a side hustle for me and I love doing it!  My limit is two per year and I'm booked for this year and already have one for 2023.  

A memory popped up on Facebook Saturday and it made me a little sad.  It was from a few years ago when we were at baseball's Spring Training in Florida.  We had hoped to go back this year, but as you may know, the baseball players are on strike.  Striking over money.  To play a game.  I don't get it.  I know I don't know all the details, but one of the things is the minimum player salary.  That minimum is $570,500.  To play a game.  I don't get it.

I'm in a small bible study group and Monday night we were meeting at our house.  So Sunday I prepped some of the food we were having for dinner and set the table.  We're still rocking the Mardi Gras theme on the dining room table.  

One of the items on my to-do list was to order more free at-home covid tests.  Checked that off!  Did you get yours ordered?  If not, go HERE to get place your order.

Sunday night we went out to dinner to celebrate our son's birthday.  It's hard to believe that my baby is turning 31 this week!  

Hope your week is off to a great start!  I'm determined to have a productive week.  Here we go!


  1. Yeah I don't get the salaries either; it's just nuts! I mean I get they have a limited amount of time to play before their bodies give out but I don't understand why they have to retire and be millionaires when they spent their life playing a game they supposedly love... Your son's cake looks amazing! I hope he had a wonderful birthday.

  2. I love a quiet Friday especially if I don't have to cook :) Fish Fries are very big in my part of the country (I live in MN). Every first Friday, the American Legion has one and it is hugely popular.

  3. Happy birthday to your son! That salary is crazy to begin with. And to think they want more!
