Wednesday, April 27, 2022

2022 Spring Mantel

Hello friends - thanks for stopping by!  Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday where I share something on my mind and invite you to link up and do the same.

Today I'm sharing our mantel decorations.  There's always this lull between taking down the Easter decorations and the next holiday we decorate for, which is the Fourth of July for us.  I popped in Hobby Lobby looking for some inspiration and boy did I find it!  I thought maybe I'd find a thing or two to add to some of the items we already had, but I ended up filling my cart with all new stuff and I'm not even sad about it.

It started with this large affirmation piece saying to choose kindness.  It was on clearance and I got it for a steal.  

Come to find out, many of their affirmation pieces were on clearance so I added a few more to my cart.

Next, I went in search of a pop of color.  The biscuit barrel was a little deceiving.  It looks ceramic, but it's really metal.  Which equates to it not being as breakable.  In the cart it went!

The candlesticks were the height I knew I'd needed to balance that end of the mantel.  The opposite end is home to a new glass jar full of willow branches.  

It honestly took me longer to take the tags off my new purchases than it did to put the mantel together.  We love the way it turned out and I'm in no hurry to change the decorations any time soon.


Mantel decor

Now it's your turn - what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share!

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