Thursday, July 14, 2022

Five on Friday - July 15, 2022

Happy Friday!  We are pretty excited over here for the weekend to begin.  This week has been non-stop action and we are ready for a couple down days!  Before the rest and relaxation start, here's my five for the week ~

1.  Two New Movies
I know everyone is all excited about Where the Crawdads Sing, and don't get me wrong I'm super pumped to see this movie, there's also another movie that came out this week that's on our list of movies to see.  The second movie is Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris.  It's been a long time since two movies came out the same week I wanted to see.  Here are the summaries ~

Where the Crawdads Sing
From the best-selling novel comes a captivating mystery. Where the Crawdads Sing tells the story of Kya, an abandoned girl who raised herself to adulthood in the dangerous marshlands of North Carolina. For years, rumors of the “Marsh Girl” haunted Barkley Cove, isolating the sharp and resilient Kya from her community. Drawn to two young men from town, Kya opens herself to a new and startling world; but when one of them is found dead, she is immediately cast by the community as the main suspect. As the case unfolds, the verdict as to what actually happened becomes increasingly unclear, threatening to reveal the many secrets that lay within the marsh.

Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris
Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris is the enchanting tale of a seemingly ordinary British housekeeper whose dream to own a couture Christian Dior gown takes her on an extraordinary adventure to Paris.

2.  Snickerdoodle Pop Tarts
There's a new Pop Tart flavor on the shelves - Snickerdoodle!  These babies are filled with vanilla, butter, and cinnamon flavors and topped with crunchy cinnamon sugar.  They are available just about anywhere Pop Tarts are sold.  Definitely keeping my eyes open to find a box to try!

3.  James Webb Space Telescope
Have you seen the amazing images coming to us from the James Webb Space Telescope?  They are so beautiful!  In case you're wondering who James Webb is, he led NASA during the 1960s when it was gearing up to land people on the moon.  He died in 1992, so he has no idea about the mind-blowing images his namesake telescope is sending us.  If you'd like to see more images, visit the NASA site HERE.

Did you read The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek?  We read it in our book club and it was loved by many, me included.  I just learned that it has a sequel - The Book Woman's Daughter.  It's definitely going on my to-be-read list!  Here's the summary from Amazon ~
Bestselling historical fiction author Kim Michele Richardson is back with the perfect book club read following Honey Lovett, the daughter of the beloved Troublesome book woman, who must fight for her own independence with the help of the women who guide her and the books that set her free.

In the ruggedness of the beautiful Kentucky mountains, Honey Lovett has always known that the old ways can make a hard life harder. As the daughter of the famed blue-skinned, Troublesome Creek packhorse librarian, Honey and her family have been hiding from the law all her life. But when her mother and father are imprisoned, Honey realizes she must fight to stay free, or risk being sent away for good.

Picking up her mother's old packhorse library route, Honey begins to deliver books to the remote hollers of Appalachia. Honey is looking to prove that she doesn't need anyone telling her how to survive. But the route can be treacherous, and some folks aren't as keen to let a woman pave her own way.

If Honey wants to bring the freedom books provide to the families who need it most, she's going to have to fight for her place, and along the way, learn that the extraordinary women who run the hills and hollers can make all the difference in the world.

5.  Starting your day right...

Have a wonderful weekend!  We are going to see Where The Crawdads Sing and may even get in a second movie.  I have book club on Monday evening and will need to finish our book - The Hilarious World of Depression.  The book has been very entertaining so finishing won't be hard.  As a matter of fact, there's a 60% chance of rain here on Sunday and the thought of curling up with a book while listening to the rain fall outside sounds like a perfect way to spend the day!  

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