Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - November 10, 2022

Hey there!  Popping in today for Thinking Out Loud Thursday, where I share something I'm thinking about and invite you to link up and do the same.  Today I'm thinking about what a fantastic time we had last weekend!

Eric had a birthday on Friday, which also happened to be the wedding day of a close family friend.  We both took a day of vacation and traveled to Kansas City for the wedding.  For lunch, we stopped at one of Eric's favorite places in KC, Jack Stack Barbecue.  It did not disappoint!  Our son and daughter-in-law were also going to the wedding, so they came in early to join us for lunch.  

After lunch, we headed to the hotel to get changed for the feature event of the weekend - the wedding! 

The wedding was held at The Secret Garden.  Kansas City brides-to-be out there - you should definitely add this venue to your list of places to check out.  It is gorgeous!  

The bride and groom's love for each other was so apparent and wonderful to see.  We had so much fun dancing the night away and celebrating the couple!

It was so fun celebrating with lifelong friends too!  

Saturday the bride and groom were honored at a brunch.  It was a great time to recap all the fun from the wedding and enjoy family time just a little longer.  Any time this family is together, they bust out a lot of fun games to play.  I'm adding the one we played, Roll for It, to my wish list!  This would make a great family game if you're looking for one.

We drove home Saturday night.  On Sunday we added a few landscaping rocks to our new berm in our backyard.  I'm so excited to have these trees planted and am looking forward to dressing up the area with flowers next spring!

It was a weekend full of seeing family and friends.  We are so blessed to have these people in our lives!  

Now it's your turn - what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share!

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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  1. Penny, looks like you all had a nice time at the wedding! Thanks so much for hosting. I linked up with #7 Color Me Blessed – Count Your Blessings.

  2. That looks like such a beautiful wedding!

  3. Looks like it was a wonderful wedding.
