Monday, November 14, 2022

Weekending - November 11, 2022

Mondays always seem to get here so fast, but this week I'm extending the weekend into today too!  I have a bunch of vacation to use before the end of the year, so I took today and tomorrow off to regroup and get a jump on the holidays.  The weekend went by so fast that I'm really not that sure how much of a headstart on the holidays I'll actually get done!  Here's how it went down ~

Friday night I met up with a couple friends from work at a new-to-me place called Scarlett's Wine Bar.  This adorable little place is located in the Central West End area of St. Louis.  Their outside area would be a great place to hang out if the weather had stayed in the high 70s like it was earlier in the week.  We were able to grab a table inside for dinner and drinks.  We shared a fig and pear flatbread that was to die for!  The sangria was pretty delicious, too!  I can't wait to go back.

Saturday morning we woke up to quite the surprise - SNOW!  And not just a little dusting, but several inches of the white stuff.  So much for the 77 degree temp we had on Thursday!

With the weather so icky outside, we decided it was the perfect day to stay in and binge-watch The Crown.  Man, we love that show!  Season 5 dropped last week and we are closing in on seeing all 10 of the new episodes.  Elizabeth Debicki plays Princess Diana this season.  I wonder how long she studied the real Princess because she has her head tilts down perfectly!

Saturday night we attend the NAMI Gala.  For those of you not aware of this organization, NAMI stands for National Alliance on Mental Illness.  We love supporting this group!  It was fun to get dressed up and see some friends we hadn't connected with in quite a while.

Sunday morning we met our son and daughter-in-law at another new-to-us place for breakfast.  June's is located in the heart of Shiloh.  It's the cutest little coffee house!  I tried the waffle and it was delicious.  They had several other pastries that I can't wait to go back and try.

From breakfast, we headed over the Webster Groves, Missouri to do a demo for the company Eric works for.  They were having their holiday walk and the streets were busy!  Eric is the rep in the St. Louis area for Thelma's Treats.  Have you ever tasted their ice cream sandwiches?  If not, you don't know what you are missing!  We handed out right at 1,000 samples and I didn't hear anyone say they didn't love them.

When we got home, I changed our message board to a Thanksgiving message.  This poor board had been neglected for months (the last message was for St. Patrick's Day!), so I'm happy to bring it up to date.  

The main attraction Sunday night was Yellowstone!  It's a show Eric and I both enjoy watching so we are excited to have it back.  

And that's a wrap on the weekend!  Hope you had a great one too and your week is off to a good start.   

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