Monday, March 6, 2023

Weekending - March 3, 2023

Happy Monday friends!  Recapping the weekend on the blog today.  And what a weekend it was!  My friend TW arrived at our house on Wednesday night and we spent every waking hour outside of our real jobs getting ready for the Stern wedding.

For those new here, my side hustle is being a wedding coordinator.  I only do two weddings a year and work with the couple from start to finish getting everything ready for the nuptials.  It's so rewarding to me when the big day arrives and the couple gets the wedding of their dreams.  Knowing I played a small part in that really fills my cup!  

This weekend, my cup overflowed!  The newlyweds, Isabel and Matt, were a dream to work with and so were their families.  I'm genuinely going to miss our planning meetings, but can't wait to see what life has in store for them.

My friend TW and my husband Eric keep me sane on wedding weeks.  TW and I have been working together on weddings for over 10 years now.  I doubt I could do this without either one of them!

I'll do a whole post on the wedding later, so be ready to see all the things we did for this wedding.  Just look at the couple - they were stunning!

The other big highlight from this weekend was something that came to me in the mail.  I'm sharing it with you because I think it's the neatest thing ever.  My friend Jamie sent me a letter.  She preceded the personal note by saying that years ago, her minister suggested that instead of giving up something for Lent you consider adding something.  Something that would be meaningful to each of us individually.  So Jamie wrote me the most touching note about our friendship.  She sends 40 letters to different people and I bet each of them is as touched by her words as I am.  Getting her letter really made my day!  

Sunday was spent recouping from all the Friday and Saturday festivities.  TW packed up and headed back home early in the afternoon and we spent the rest of the day on the couch.  Between watching an episode of Daisy Jones and the Six and reading my current book, I might have even snuck in a nap.  The perfect way to wind down a busy weekend!

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