Thursday, April 20, 2023

Five on Friday - April 21, 2023

Happy Friday!  Can you believe it's Friday already?  This week has flown by!  I barely had a moment to blog this week, but I did get my five together for today.  Here they are ~

1.  National Earth Day
Saturday is National Earth Day.  We here in the United States won't be the only ones celebrating Earth Day.  In 1990, Earth Day went global and now 141 countries participate in protecting the environment.  What are some ways you can observe this holiday you ask?  Here are just a few ~
    • Support and use recycling programs in your community
    • Volunteer to clean up local parks and streets on clean-up days
    • Use re-usable products versus disposable
    • Repurpose items that have outworn their use
    • Shop secondhand and thrift stores for gently used items
    • Carpool or make one trip instead of multiple trips to the store
    • Line-dry your clothes

See - there are a lot of ways to observe National Earth Day!  What are you going to do?

2.  Facebook Class Action Lawsuit
Did you use Facebook between May 24, 2007, and December 22, 2022?  If so, you may be eligible for a cash payment from a Class Action Settlement.  Meta, who owns Facebook, agreed last year to settle a class-action lawsuit about the company sharing user data or making it accessible to third parties without the users' permission.  If you want in on the action, file a claim HERE.  The claim amount will be based on the number of claims submitted.  Be patient after filing your claim.  The deadline for submitting is August 25.

3.  The Audrey Hepburn Estate
Brenda Janowitz's latest historical fiction book titled The Audrey Hepburn Estate was released this past Tuesday and it's going straight on my to-be-read list!  It sounds like a great summer read.  Here's the summary ~
When Emma Jansen discovers that the grand Long Island estate where she grew up is set to be demolished, she can't help but return for one last visit. After all, it was a place filled with firsts: learning to ride a bike, sneaking a glass of champagne, falling in love.

But once Emma arrives at the storied mansion, she can't ignore the more complicated memories. Because that's not exactly where Emma grew up. Her mother and father worked for the family that owned the estate, and they lived over the garage like Audrey Hepburn's character in the film Sabrina. Emma never felt fully accepted, except by the family's grandson, Henry—a former love—and by the driver’s son, Leo—her best friend.

As plans for the property are put into motion and the three are together for the first time in over a decade, Emma finds herself caught between two worlds and two loves. And when the house reveals a shattering secret about her own family, she’ll have to decide what kind of life she really wants for herself now and who she wants to be in it.

When I was switching from our Easter mailbox cover to our summer one, I noticed that it was time for a new one.  We opted for the black and white buffalo plaid welcome one and we love it!  It's made from waterproof Oxford cloth and feels like it will stand up to the outdoor elements.  It adds a little something something to the mailbox!

5.  Just a fact...

Have a wonderful weekend!  I took the day off today to get ready for a tea party I'm having at our house tomorrow.  I've been looking forward to this event for a while and I'm excited to pull it all together today and welcome my guests tomorrow morning!  Then on Sunday, I'm brunching with some other friends.  It's going to be quite the weekend!  See you next week!


  1. I didn't know it was Earth Day tomorrow. How interesting. We need to do everything we can to protect our planet.
    That is really interesting about Facebook. I know they were in trouble about sharing data but didn't know people could make a claim.
    Have a great weekend.
