Thursday, April 6, 2023

Five on Friday - April 7, 2023

Happy Good Friday!  Easter weekend is here and I'm so looking forward to celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The church services this weekend always renew my hope of salvation.  I hope you have the same experience.

Now on to my five for this week ~

1.  Walk for Wishes
This weekend we are walking in the Walk for Wishes walk!  I am really proud to support Make-A-Wish and its work in our community. Make-A-Wish creates life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. A wish gives children renewed energy and strength, brings families closer together, and unites communities.

Did you know that Make-A-Wish grants more than 15,000 wishes nationwide every year? That’s a lot, yes. But that’s only 50% of the eligible kids. Every hour of every day, three children are diagnosed with a critical illness. Every one of these kids needs a wish to give them strength and help them heal. I’m fundraising so more deserving kids and their families can know the happiness, relief, and renewal a wish can bring.

These life-changing wishes are only possible because of supporters like us. A wish experience can truly change a child’s life, and so can we.

Will you help me support Make-A-Wish by donating today?  Please click HERE to donate.

I've been listening to Laura Tremaine's podcast, 10 Things to tell you, for a long time.  I love her outlook and perspective.  Her new book, The Life Council, was released this week and I can't wait to hear what she has to say.  Here's the summary from Amazon ~

Offering a path for a new way to think about friendships, The Life Council will inspire and equip you to be a better friend, make new friends, and appreciate how different types of friendships can bring a richness to your life like never before.

You'd love to have a "ride or die" posse like you see on social media, but instead you have a host of really good . . . acquaintances. After all, trying to find a soul friend in the midst of dirty dishes, deadlines, and, oh, a crazy busy life can be overwhelming. But what if developing great friendships was actually easier than we thought? And what if finding a "soul friend" wasn't necessarily our highest goal?

In The Life Council, Laura Tremaine—the writer and podcaster behind 10 Things to Tell You—tells us what we've been hoping was true all along: making, keeping, and even releasing friends doesn't need to be as hard as we make it. This fun and practical guide gives you what you need to:

  • Create your own "life council" with the friends you already have
  • Understand the ten kinds of friends every woman needs—and how to find them
  • Learn how to evaluate your friendship circle for what's working and what might need to change
  • Navigate tough conversations with friends
  • Get excited again about the possibility of new friendships
The Life Council will give every woman the help she needs to think about friendships in a new way and find true connection, freedom, and joy in her relationships. 

3.  One True Loves Movie
I recently finished the Taylor Jenkins Reid book One True Loves and am so excited to watch the movie!  It's opening this weekend in some theaters.  If you miss it in the theater, it's going to be on Apple TV April 14.  If the movie is half has good as the book, I'm going to love it!  It's not getting super great reviews, so we'll see.  Here's the summary ~
Emma and Jesse are living the perfect life together, until Jesse disappears in a tragic helicopter crash on their first wedding anniversary. Four years later, Emma finds happiness again as she's about to marry her best friend. However, when Jesse miraculously resurfaces, Emma soon finds herself torn between two great loves.

Look at the gorgeous Spring colors of these stackable bracelets!  I'm ready to put away the winter shades and bring out brighter ones.  These stackables are made of polymer clay and gold-plated beads and are strung on elastic bands.  They are cute and pretty!  Going in my Amazon cart today!

5.  An Easter joke for you ~

Have a wonderful Easter weekend!  I'll be back next week and hope you pop in then.

1 comment:

  1. Oh I did enjoy One True Loves too; I didn't realize it was being made into a movie.
